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Nicole-Marie songs

My Child on the Other Side 

My child on the other side

though you never materialized

on this side of the veil

I've seen what you would've looked like 

in my dreams and visions

and I'm sorry things were never right 

for me to bring you to life at this time

But I love you nonetheless

and I know you'll be waiting for me

perhaps be the one to greet me

when we finally meet again

It's something that brings me peace

amid all the suffering

that comes with having to live at this time in history

My child on the other side

It's time to tell you goodnight

so I can go and live this life

and do so many things

I'm hoping that you'll be proud of me

as you're watching over me

But I'll never say goodbye

cause I know you'll always be with me

and answer anytime I call

And I'm not too arrogant to believe

that you may be wiser than me

even though you are a child

my precious, beautiful, amazing child

on the other side 

The Devil's Tone and the Frequency of Love 

Recently, I reached out to a producer on LinkedIn to see if he would be willing to record music in 528 Kilohertz (kHz).  His response was “lol.”  He either thought I was joking or was making fun of my inquiry since the current industry standard for recording music is 440 Kilohertz (kHz).  What does this mean?  This means that most digital audio workstations for recording, editing, creating, producing and mastering music (such as Pro Tools) are set to 440 kHz by the manufacturers who make them and by the producers and musicians who use them since they want a chance for their creations and music to be accepted by the mainstream.  Additionally, all electronic instruments are generally set to 440 kHz and all acoustic instruments are generally tuned to 440 kHz.  

When working with a producer recently, I tried to get him to record in 432 kHz but he said “no” so I had to record in 440 kHz.  The universe is run by sacred geometry and math.  And music is a universal language.  I had heard that “according to music theory, A=432 Hz is mathematically consistent with the universe. This is known as Verdi's 'A' – named after Giuseppe Verdi, a famous Italian composer. Music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, and is said to provide greater clarity and is easier on the ears.”   Is is also supposed to be more meditative and healing to listen to.  For more information about 432 kHz, check out the following website: 


I became inspired to write a blog on the “devil’s tone” and the love frequency after reading Salini’s book Emerging from the Matrix.  While I favored 432 kHz over 440 kHz prior to reading this book, Salini’s wisdom and knowledge led me to favor another frequency:  528 kHz also called “the love frequency.”  Much of the information in this blog comes from Salini’s book and you will see quotations where I have quoted the book word for word. 

Music became standardized to 440 Kilohertz (kHz) in 1939, just before WWII, by Josef Goebbels and the global elite.  It was discovered, by the elite, that 440 kHz can create fear, chaos, and disharmony. Therefore, it's been called “the devil’s tone.”  Music has become a form of mind control ever since and the standard use of this tone started in large part with the ushering in of rock and roll music in the 1950’s.  This is why some people called rock and roll “the devil’s music.” 

The Devil’s Tone is “the one dissonant tone on the musical scale, F# (741), which brings chaos into consciousness.  The frequency associated with this tone is 440 kHz.  This tone suppresses the heart chakra and keeps consciousness stuck at low levels.”  When piped out to the masses, this frequency creates an atmosphere of chaos and fear, making it easier to control people.  The movie, Yellow Submarine, is the story of how healing music was suppressed in this way.   “In the movie, the Blue meanies covered the vibrational love tone of 528 kHz, the C note on the musical scale, with fog so they couldn’t play it anymore.  It was the Beatles’ parable about musical tyranny to the world.” 

“A Kilohertz, abbreviated kHz or KHz, is a unit of alternating current (AC) or electromagnetic (EM) wave frequency equal to one thousand hertz (1000 Hz).  The unit is also used in measurements or statements of signal bandwidth.”  It is considered the measurement of the minimum required electromagnetic frequency of the human body required to maintain optimal health. 

“The vibration of love is 528 kHz.”  “It heals and repairs the body and restores DNA.”   “Music played at 528 kHz will open and heal your heart chakra sending the love vibration throughout your body.”  Whereas as 440 kHz focuses on the head and mind (therefore, making one more susceptible to mind control) and suppresses the heart chakra, 528 kHz is the vibration of love and is the same vibration of green plants in nature, of the center of the sun and of your heart chakra. 

John Lennon’s masterpiece, Imagine, was written in 528 kHz and it was the first major song written in this key.  Lennon’s Working Class Hero was also written in this key of love.  It wasn’t long after this that Lennon was killed. 

We have been controlled and suppressed and divided by being forced to record and listen to music in 440 kHz for too long now.  This is a call to all musicians and healers to record, produce and perform in 528 kHz. If your tuning device does not go up to 528 kHz, at the very least tune to 432 kHz which is superior to 440 kHz. It is time for a renaissance, a new golden age, to be ushered in.  

Soul Transformation and Ego Death 

I had a reading with a spiritual advisor in July of 2022.  She told me that I would be going through an ego death at some point in the near future. At the time, the thought of an ego death sounded somewhat scary.  However, up to that point in my life, I had already gone through various dark nights of the soul which can also be little ego deaths.  Having cancer at the age of 28, I had to face my own mortality,  Losing my hearing in my 30’s was devastating and made me question my career choice of listening to others as a social worker and mental health therapist and threatened my passion, my joy of being able to create, perform and listen to music.  My divorce in 2017 to someone I had been with for 25 years was even more devastating. This person had provided me with a life of physical comforts for the most part but a barrage of mental, psychological and emotional abuse.  Discovering that you don’t really know someone and had been tricked for all that time is an ego death of sorts. 

So, when I was told in 2022 that I would be going through another ego death, my initial reaction was, haven’t I been through enough already for now?  However, just like getting the death card or the tower card in tarot, an ego death doesn’t necessarily need to be something to be feared.  An ego death is transformative, it is your soul transforming.  And you can either go through that process as calmly and willingly as possible or screaming and kicking.  The more you accept the process and open yourself up to how an ego death can enrich your life, the less pain and suffering you will perceive. 

I’ve been assuming that my next ego death will involve some sort of public humiliation and shaming because this is something that I fear.  This is something that leads to my having performance anxiety and social anxiety in general.  And I know that part of our journey here on this plane of existence involves facing our fears.  I have already faced some public humiliation in my life but could there be more to come and on a grander scale?  I’ve never necessarily been afraid to be different or rejected because I always was on some level.  In this way, being different can be a blessing because you don’t always strive to belong because you never really did anyway. 

But we are social creatures and we need social interaction, even the most introverted among us such as myself.  And we all need spiritual leaders, teachers, shamans, sages, healers, and gurus, when the time is right to learn that next lesson in life, to take the next step towards our true spiritual path, to seek healing of some sort, and/or to let go of the ego comforts and things that block us from moving forward, and  to guide and comfort us as we experience the next ego death or soul transformation.  Sometimes, these are people you meet physically and other times they are people who you follow on social media or come to know through books that they have written.  Perhaps, they are souls that you can attune to in a spiritual way. 

At this time, one of those people for me is a woman who calls herself Salini.  I learned of her by listening to one of Michael Jaco’s podcasts.  She is a survivor of MKUltra mind control but had no memory of this until later in life.  I am currently reading her book, Emerging from the Matrix, and it is excellent. In this book, she writes about soul transformation and ego death, something that she experienced many times as well.  She writes so beautifully and in such an elevated way, that I decided to share an excerpt from her book on this topic of soul transformation and ego death, as what she writes is way more powerful than anything I could write on the topic right now. What follows is excerpts from her book, Emerging from the Matrix:

“If you have entered a crisis of some kind, it’s likely you have begun a soul transformation.  Whenever dramatic change is upon you, the Universe is asking you to change direction.  You are off course of your life’s Dharmic purpose.  You are being redirected to the correct path for you.  This is where all criticism begins.  People who have not begun a Soul Transformation will not understand what is happening to you.  If their lives, their jobs, and their finances are stable and comfortable, they will not be interested in your suffering or your journey.  They are enjoying their lives.  Their egos are in a comfortable place.  They will find your actions and experiences to be odd, and sometimes frightening to them.  Perhaps even threatening.  They may judge you for even going through what you are going through.  They will give tons of advice cached in standard cultural wisdom and clichés, most of which comes from the perspective of their comfort, and usually won’t be helpful.  They may even be arrogant about it.  If you can, forgive them.  They cannot see that you have begun a Soul Transformation because they have not yet begun one.  You will enter into this journey largely alone.  There will be a few beautiful souls along the way who will stand by you. They may stay a long time, or it may be brief.  But treasure them.  Like an oasis along an endless, dry, desert caravan, they are great gifts along the way. Know that they have been sent by the Holy Spirit to help you endure the transformation and awakening of your soul. Nevertheless, prepare yourself for rejection at this stage.  Many will abandon you.  Your old life will fall away.  A chasm of the unknown now faces you.  You have entered the Garden of Gethsemane.  For those of you keen to have a spiritual awakening, I caution you.  Awakening is very traumatic. Change requires sacrifice, and the death of the ego is the price you’ll pay.  It won’t be comfortable, but it will be incredible.” 

So, if you are experiencing or about to experience an ego death, blessings be with you.  Embrace the experience and know that many have come before you and many are walking beside you.  Even when we feel truly alone, we can always ask for assistance from our spirit guides, from Jesus, or whomever or whatever you call your higher power.  Let the fear fall away and look to the light that overwhelms the darkness.  Blessings…

Been Brainwashed Lately? 

We all, everyone who is alive on Planet Earth at this time in history, have been brainwashed to some extent.  I wrote a blog called “The Emperor is Naked” based on the children’s story The Emperor’s New Clothes, that talks about our reluctance to admit and/or accept that we have been brainwashed and mind controlled by the global elite, also called the Illuminati and/or cabal, that have had control of this world for hundreds, if not thousands of years.  They control our governments, our elections, our mainstream media outlets, our celebrities and influencers, our money, and our thoughts, moods and behaviors.  They even control our health through allopathic medicine, vaccines, the Food and Drug Administration, control of food manufacturing and distribution, the legal system, and Big Pharma.  

They create diversions anytime there is a possible ascension or uprising against them or that are about to exposed.  They assassinate or smear campaign anyone who dares to expose them.  They create phrases like “conspiracy theorist” as a way to discredit and mock anyone who dares to expose them or points out the truth to the masses.  Mark Twain said, “It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”  

Anyone who has been a survivor of narcissistic abuse knows about brainwashing and mind control experientially and once they get enough time and distance away from the abuser, they can begin to understand it more consciously and even then, they may still have a hard time waking up to the horror and understanding exactly what they went through.  For survivors of MKUltra, the experience of brainwash and mind control is even more horrific.  According to Wikipedia (as of 10/24/22), MKUltra “was an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.”  Though Wikipedia suggests that the MKUltra program was “halted” n 1973, evidence suggests otherwise. 

There have been numerous MKUltra survivors who have been speaking out publicly.  Their stories are so horrific and unbelievable, that many of them are not believed.  According to Medicine Bear, who spoke out on TheTruthseekers88 channel on Rumble, published 10/17/22, MKUltra is the umbrella program for many different mind control programs including Project Monarch which includes the Beta Sex Kitten Project.  Part of Project Monarch has included those called “Presidential models” such as Marilyn Monroe, who are used to transport secrets back and forth between different political leaders.  The leaders just have to say a certain trigger word or phrase for the secret to be revealed.  Triggers can also include sounds, sights and smells.  There is a video where you can see Britney Spears being triggered by the smell of strawberries when she is being interviewed by Diane Sawyer.  If you listen closely, you can hear her say “strawberries” before one of her alters (alternative personalities) takes over her system:  https://youtu.be/MQQFV6Pu5NI 

Medicine Bear was adopted at birth into a Luciferian family under the guise of being a Jewish family.  He was given the name of “The Chosen One” which means that he was to be used as a tool or sacrificed within the Satanic cult.  He speaks of having false memories implanted and being a part of the hunting parties where children are hunted.  He was involved in Project Talent and recalls being given puzzles at around age 7.  He says, “They’re trying to establish what your particular talents might be” and then place you in a position where you can be used to do their bidding.  Ultimately, however, he landed in Project Phoenix, which has also been called Project Delta and is an assassination program.  These include your basic sleepers who, with the right cues, triggers, and programming, are trained to assassinate others and possibly self-assassinate.  His testimony suggests that he was abused by Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino.  Here is the link to that podcast:  https://rumble.com/v1okynk-special-guest-mkultra-sleeper-cells-special-forces-signal-alerts...-1017202.html 

Project Monarch includes your basic honeypots that entice powerful men or women to share their secrets, to do their bidding and/or to get come back into the fold if they are “waking up” or exposing secrets or have gone AWOL.  Some examples are Cathy O’Brien who claims that she and her daughter were both sex slaves for George Bush Sr and Dick Cheney and other political leaders.  She has released many books and had an awesome documentary made about her like called Trance.  Here is a link to watch that movie: https://www.trance.movie/ 

Laura Worley, who wrote the book Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery: Putting it All Together for Peace, Healing and Freedom, writes about being abused and tortured by someone that sounds a lot like HRC if you put all the pieces together in what Laura describes in her book.  Laura also speaks and does interviews and podcasts where she helps people heal and trains mental health professionals so they can know what to do to help people who have been victims of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse).  She writes about going to therapy for 20 years and getting nowhere because mental health professionals are likely to label people who present with her kind of symptoms as “delusional” or “dramatic” and even if they do believe these survivors, they are at a loss at how to help as their training does not include how to undo mind control.  

Hope Beryl-Green, born into an illuminati family, wrote her memoir about breaking free from her programming in her book To Tell the Truth.  Here is an excerpt from the synopsis of that book on Amazon:  "This journey will expose the evil of sex slavery, government-sponsored mind control, and the Illuminati's existence in our culture."  Both Laura Worley and Hope Beryl-Green speak and write about the importance of using the power of God's love and guidance to break free of their energetic chains. 

Becca Bodle has been very vocal in sharing her testimony of being a survivor of human trafficking.  Here is a link to a interview she did with Michelle Moore:  https://rumble.com/v20znok-the-michelle-moore-show.html.  Sarah Ruth Ashcraft claims to have been sold as a sex slave to Tom Hanks at age 13.  Miesha Johnston wrote the book They Weren’t Butterflies:  A Monarch Survivor’s Story.  It is a very interesting read.  I also have read a few of Stewart Swerdlow’s books.  He is a survivor of Montauk Project, related to the Philadelphia Experiment.  He is now a doctor of alternative healing and deprogramming.  He has spoken openly about aliens including Reptilians.  Unfortunately, most victims of MKUltra have died, have gone insane, or are still in a brainwashed or sleeping state. 

Then, there’s the brainwashed and mind controlled in the illuminati most notably people in high positions of power in government or high positions of influence in Hollywood, the music industry, professional athletes and mainstream media.  I attended a training on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) given by Herschel Walker, former NFL running back and currently running for public office, where he talked about having this disorder (once called MPD or Multiple Personality Disorder) though he didn’t go into detail about what caused it.  Kanye West appears to have broken out of his programming several times and every time this has happened, they dye his hair blonde (always make a note of it when someone’s hair is dyed blonde) and take him away to be “hospitalized” which is a code word for “reprogrammed.”  For example, this happened right after he dished the dirt at one of his concerts before he was “hospitalized”:  https://youtu.be/mueeKk6GweI 

Kanye West has an incredibly strong spirit to try to break out of his programming despite his popularity.  Britney Spears is another example of someone doing everything she can to break out of her programming.  Rumor has it that she has been replaced with a clone and this is not hard to believe.  Cloning has been going on for a long time.  If you watch a movie called The Boys From Brazil (1978), it spells out how nuclear transfer cloning is one.  Clonaid is a company that openly advertises cloning but cloning is also done in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB’s) and other secret locations owned and operated by the elite.  There have been outspoken voices against cloning such as Donald Marshall and Kid Buu, who claims to be a second generation clone.  

Oftentimes, when a celebrity or politician will not play along with the script or programming they were given, it can be quite obvious that they have been replaced by a clone or an actor, while the original God-created human has either been killed or has been caged in a DUMB so they can create more duplicates as needed.  They do this because these celebrities are cash cows for them and they want to continue to milk the cash cows for as long as they can.  Michael Jackson is an obvious example.  The Michael Jackson in the Bad videos and pictures looks nothing like the Michael Jackson in the Thriller videos and pictures.  Why?  Because, according to Gene Decode, Michael Jackson died after he caught on fire in that Pepsi commercial and they cloned him after death.  The skin issues and the nose issues can be explained by quantum entanglement.  After that debacle, the cabal wised up and started caging and cloning celebrities more in their prime.  

But back to the point of brainwashing.  We are all being brainwashed by the mainstream media.  We are being brainwashed to believe that COVID-19 (which stands for Certificate of Vaccination Identification AI) is a virus when it can’t be isolated and has been patented (you can’t patent nature), that we should take a vaccine that has no long-term studies and killed all the animals in the animal trials, and vaccinate our children when children are more at risk for taking the vaccine then from getting COVID.  We are told that variants to COVID-19 such as Omicron, are more dangerous, when any epidemiologist knows that variants always decrease in virulence.  We are being brainwashed to hate Donald Trump, to believe that Joe Biden, having done no campaigning and is obviously a pedophile, won the 2020 election.  We are being brainwashed to believe that anyone who went to the Capital on January 6th, 2021 is a traitor against America and that there weren’t infiltrators among the peaceful protestors who actually caused all the ruckus.  

We are mind controlled via Operation Mockingbird which is the CIA program that uses movies, TV, MSM outlets and social media to influence how we think, how we vote, and how we behave.  According to Wikipedia, "Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes."  Notice how they use the word "alleged" to explain what Operation Mockingbird is.  All these various forms of media are also used to tell us, the general public, what they have in store for us.  There is a lot of predictive programming used for this purpose.  Just look at everything the TV show The Simpsons has predicted correctly.  Why would the elite tell us what they are going to do?  It's part of the Luciferian religion to let people know what you are going to do to people prior to doing anything (evil).  It's their way of saying of getting around our free will to say, "no" to whatever they have in mind for us.  If they told us, however indirectly, what they were going to do to us, they can then say, "we told you what we were going to do and you didn't do anything to stop it or protest it."  

Women are brainwashed to believe they have to look like Victoria Secret Models, many of whom are biological males.  Women are being programmed to compete with each other for the attention and favor of men.  Men are being programmed by things like pornography to see sex in a lustful way and view in their manhood in terms of sexual prowess and orgasm, power and control.  We are programmed by our families, by our communities, by our political parties, by our religions, by our peers, by our educational system, by our medical system and the list goes on and on.  We are told to always “check with your doctor” and are programmed to believe that our family doctors or physicians are the experts on our bodies and the authority on health.  They aren’t.  They are experts in diagnosing disease and treating symptoms with pharmacia.  We are brainwashed into thinking that going into therapy and treating depression and anxiety with psychiatric medications is going to “fix” whatever traumas we are experiencing or confronting.  

We are brainwashed into thinking that people and things outside of ourselves have the answers to all of our ills instead of looking within, consulting our intuition.  Sure, we are mammals and as such, we are social creatures who need each other for survival.  But there is a reason why Jesus said, in Luke 17:20-21, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”  We are in the age of Aquarius, the information age, and we need to decide for ourselves what information resonates with our soul, not our ego, but our soul.  So, if you disagree with everything I wrote in this blog, good for you.  The point is, everyone should be able to decide for themselves what they believe.  That freedom of belief, just like freedom of speech, is fast disappearing.  But we can reclaim our freedom of speech, our freedom of belief and our freedoms in general.  In order to be truly free, we have to acknowledge that we have been programmed, mind controlled and brainwashed.  We need to regain our critical thinking skills.  We need to break through all the programming to find ourselves, our higher selves, our true selves, the self that transcends all the programming.  And we have to say “no” and stand up against someone else telling us who we are and what we must think and belief. 

You Saw Me 

I was walking home from school carrying my saxophone

and a saxophone is heavy to a 5th grade little girl

And I didn't see you swinging on the swings across the street

Until you called out my name to say hello to me


And it's the first time I've ever felt seen

It's the first time someone ever saw me

Somehow you knew my name

and remembered it that day

Thank you, forever friend, for seeing me


Whenever my friends would choose a superpower

for the days of pretend when we played outside for hours

I always chose the gift of invisibility

Not knowing that's how I was already feeling


And still until this day

I sometimes get afraid

and want to retreat into my own safe space

Not everyone is welcoming

Not everyone is inviting 

and if they are, they may want to trick or harm me


But you're the friendliest boy I ever met

And I wish I knew now what I didn't know then

But I wasn't ready yet to admit

or trust that I meant

Anything to you, my long lost friend


For you planted a seed

For me to feel seen

Without any threat of invasion

Without any threat of humiliation


And I haven't blossomed yet

But I'm growing to my best

And it's all because you took the time

to say hello to this grateful heart of mine

and let me know that you... saw me

Are You a QANON Conspiracy Theorist? 

These days, it’s considered an insult to be labelled or assumed to be a “QANON Conspiracy Theorist.”  The term “conspiracy theorist” became popular after the assassination of JFK and it became a form of social engineering to silence anyone who questioned the official narrative:  that only one man, Lee Harvey Oswald, killed JFK.  These days, the term is used to silence anyone who questions the official narrative with regards to COVID, with regards to the COVID “vaccine” and with regards to the 2020 election results.  

Adding “QANON,” which really doesn’t have any meaning because there is “Q” and there are “ANON’s” but there isn’t any “QANON” within that movement, to the term “conspiracy theorist” is almost a double whammy of insult hurled at anyone who dares to question the official narrative of the mainstream media (MSM), which is very controlled and censored by the way.  The MSM puppets are not really reporters but controlled influencers who are told what to say and what they can’t say.  There are plenty of videos that show different “reporters” reporting the exact same story in relatively the same way.  Here are some links that demonstrate what I’m talking about:  



According to the Goodstuf podcast, published on 10/17/22 on Rumble (see link when this podcast is mentioned again below), "media labelling as QANON is a method to combine Q to comments, theories, suggestions and statements and actions made by ANON's."  ANON's, as just stated, are those who are making comments or coming up with theories on what the Q posts mean.  Because "not all ANON's are authentic" and "some are injected by our enemies to discredit us," pairing comments made by Q to those made by ANON's is a way to discredit the original source, Q.  

Other ways to silence, insult, one-up, and demean people are to call them a “Trumpster” or an “anti-vaxxer.”  You are considered immediately stupid, uneducated, selfish and ignorant if you are a “anti-vaxxer.”  If you are pro-vaccine except when it comes to the COVID vaccine, you are still called an “anti-vaxxer” by the mass populace and MSM.  If you are a Trumpster or conservative, you are automatically thought to be racist, sexist, and/or transphobic or homophobic.  

But the term “QANON Conspiracy Theorist” takes the cake and is considered the ultimate insult among the people who don’t take the time or don’t care to understand what QANON even is or means.  According to David Straight, “Q is six military intelligence agencies lead by the president of the United State of America.”  He adds, “Q is the most trusted.”  For example, “there are only 200 naval pilots at any given moment on the face of this planet that are Q capable” in that “they can carry a nuclear weapon, no one else can” according to David Straight.  "Q" in QANON means "Q level clearance" or top-secret clearance.  Here is the video that I am referencing with David Straight:  https://rumble.com/v1kqc9r-must-watch-david-straight-out-of-babylon-conference-part-1-of-8.html 

David Straight does talk about JFK Jr. in the above video and some people believe that Q is JFK Jr.  The Goodstuf podcast on Rumble, published on 10/17/22, questions if Q is a "deep state insider in the intelligence community" but ultimately suggests that Q is "part of the Trump team psychological operation to expose government corruption" and may be specifically Dan Scavino, the guy responsible for much of President Trump's social media.  This same podcast states that "the media weaponized Q."  Though the media has paired Q and QANON with ideas like Adrenochrome, Satanic sex rings and sex trafficking related to Epstein Island, "calls to violence", Pizzagate and the like, none of these things are actually represented in the Q posts.  In this way, QANON's are dismissed as "cult member deviants."  Here is the podcast where these things are discussed:  https://rumble.com/v1oi2bl-durham-now-prosecuting-corrupt-doj-fbi-russia-ukraine-nato-ww3-military-ind.html

According to Charlie Ward, Donald Trump was not the first president to have a Q team around him.  Abraham Lincoln reportedly had a Q team of trusted advisors around him as did JFK.  But Q goes all the way back to the bible.  Q is one of the lost books of the bible.  According to Gene Decode, the original bible had 777 books and 711 books were taken out leaving only 66 books of the bible (you know how the Satanists and Luciferians who rule this world love their 6’s).  Gene adds that the convenience store 711 was so named to mock the rest of us for not realizing that the bible was censored down to 66 books.  

On a side note, Gene says that the Book of Revelations represents only the worst timeline and that there is a more positive timeline reflected in the Book of Sarah, another book that was taken out of the bible.  How dare we have hope.  If we don’t stay in a constant state of fear of anxiety, the energy vampires of this world won’t have anything to feed off of.  Additionally, the “end times” do not represent the end times for God’s children, those created in His image, but those that are not created in His image and/or chose to turn away from God.  

Back to QANON.  I have tried to look into the Q drops and Q posts that have been put out and I don’t feel intelligent enough to even understand them.  I have to turn to others more intelligent than I to understand these Q drops.  One of those highly intelligent people is Jason Q.  My point is that being a “QANON Conspiracy Theorist” is someone who has to be highly intelligent to even understand and decode what the Q drops are saying in the first place.  Here is one of the sites that people go to in order to see the latest Q drops and then try to decode them:  https://qaggregator.news/?page=1

So, the next time someone calls you a “QANON Conspiracy Theorist”, simply say, “thank you.”  Being called such means that you are likely an intelligent person that can understand things that the rest of us don’t, that you have great powers of discernment, that you are not likely to just accept whatever narrative is being delivered but are brave enough to question it and even challenge it, that you can problem solve and decode things more easily than the rest of us, and that you have a growth mindset and enough flexibility of thought to consider different ways of thinking about things instead of rejecting new and different ideas outright.  

I am someone who is willing to look at both sides of an issue.  But most people are not this way.  Most people want to only find information that confirms what they already think.  Most people want to talk to and associate with only those that think, act and believe as they do.  I’ve always been curious about people and interested in different ways of thinking.  And while I don’t fully understand the in’s and out’s of Q and all that it encompasses, I am willing to look into it and find out more about it instead of judging and dismissing it.  We all come from different backgrounds and political leanings and spiritual beliefs but at the end of the day, I believe we are all one.  So, I want to say thank you to people like David Straight, Gene Decode, Charlie Ward and Jason Q for speaking out against the mainstream narrative and being willing to teach the rest of us about Q, conspiracy and the like despite threats to your life, the energy drain of doing such humanitarian work and the inevitable backlash from those who are stuck in a fixed mindset.  Thank you to every QANON Conspiracy Theorist and to anyone, for that matter, who has ever been called a label or smear campaigned or censored or silenced in any way, even by physical death.  Even beyond the veil, we won’t and can’t be silenced…

Rebirth of the Earth 

I was listening to a beautiful quote on one of my favorite Rumble channels this morning, We The People.  I didn't see or hear a source for the quote but I have included the link to the video below if you are interested in researching it further.  Here's the quote:  

“The people who will know how to survive these times of great upheaval will be the wounded healers, the ones who have had their hearts broken over and over again until it has cracked open.  The ones who have learned from their experiences and now know how to heal themselves because people who have been broken and know how to put themselves back together again hold the spiritual power of regeneration.  They know what it’s like to die and be reborn in a single lifetime.  Earth is going through a collective death right now and the people who know how to rebirth themselves will know how to be the midwives for the rebirth of the earth too.”


The Real Zodiac 

We have been lied to in so many ways:  about our history, about our world and about ourselves.  One of the ways we have been deceived is through the zodiac signs.  In reality, there are 13 zodiac signs, each sign being different lengths.  Additionally, our calendar is off.  Our annual calendar actually starts on April 16th and ends on April 15th.  Each month is actually 28 days with an extra day “to swing into the new year” per Gene Decode.  Gene also says that there is an extra day every 4 years or so, just like the concept of a leap year, where the masculine energy joins with the feminine energy.  

So, why did the cabal mess with our calendar and make our months varying lengths?  According to Gene, they did so to keep us off our rhythm.  For the same reason, they only revealed 12 zodiac signs to us and not all 13.  The sign that was hidden from us is the sign of the healer and they didn’t want anyone born into that sign to know that they would be a natural healer.  This is the sign of Ophiuchus.  The cabal wants us controlled through Big Pharma.  They want us relying on the allopathic or Western medicine approach of treating any condition by addressing the symptoms of disease with pharmakeia which translates to “witchcraft” in Greek.  

Your sign is important because it shows you your gifting from God.  The cabal does not want us knowing our God-given gifts and certainly doesn’t want us making use of those gifts because they want to keep us enslaved for their own purposes.  For those Christians out there who were falsely taught that the zodiac and that astrology were satanic, realize that astrology is all over the bible.  Here are some examples from the following website:  https://www.liveabout.com/christian-astrologer-the-age-of-aquarius-206619 

Jesus talked in the Bible about the changes in the future that would signal his return. He said that there would be “Signs in the Sun, Moon, and stars” (Luke 21:25) signaling his return. 

Jesus was the one who announced the Age of Aquarius and said, “A man will meet you carrying an earthen pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he goes in” Luke 22:10. Since ancient times Aquarius was called the “water-bearer” and is symbolized by the Face of a Man in the Book of Revelation as one of the fixed signs of the zodiac. 

Aquarius is symbolized by a man carrying a jug of water and this symbol existed since ancient times. It's interesting that Jesus tells us to “follow the water-bearer.” Jesus was telling his followers to follow the Aquarian Age and enter the house he goes in, which can mean he was helping us prepare for the future by telling us to follow this new spiritual expansion and rebirth. Jesus was educating the disciples and warning them about this crucial time in human history and preparing them for it in advance. 

Here is another website that speaks well to astrology in the bible:  https://medium.com/belover/astrology-in-the-bible-5d4abecac741 

The most important case for astrology, in my opinion, is that the three wise men knew where to find the baby Jesus by following a star.  Christians often retort, “that’s astronomy, not astrology.”  But astrology, not astronomy, is the meaning given to the stars.  The next best case for astrology in the bible comes from Genesis 1:14, English Standard Version: 

And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years."

Our zodiac signs don’t enslave us to a certain future because God allows for all choices and possibilities.  What it does give us, though, is knowledge of the gifts we are born into the world with.  Each natal chart is like an energetic footprint, a cosmic signature which gives us the gravitational magnetic field of the time, place and date we are born.  

So, here are the 13 signs according to Gene Decode: 

Aires:  April 18 – May 14, 25.5 days long 

Taurus:  May 14 – June 21, 38.2 days long 

Gemini:  June 21 – July 20, 29.3 days long 

Cancer:  July 20 – August 10, 21.1 days long 

Leo:  August 10 – September 16, 36.9 days long 

Virgo:  September 16 – October 31, 44.5 days long 

Libra:  October 31 – November 21, 21.1 days long 

Scorpio:  November 21 – November 29, 8.4 days long 

Ophiuchus:  November 29 – December 18, 18.4 days long 

Sagittarius:  December 18 – January 20, 33.6 days long 

Capricorn:  January 20 – February 17, 27.4 days long 

Aquarius:  February 17 – March 13, 23.9 days long 

Pisces:  March 13 – April 18, 37.7 days long

Adventures in Social Work 

Around 2010 or so, I was walking along the pier on Seattle’s waterfront.  This was before pot was legal.  I forgot to remove my badge from work.  I came across a very creative panhandler who was writing the word “LOVE” out in pennies on the sidewalk.  He stopped me and asked if he could have some pennies to finish the word “LOVE.”  I thought he was so creative that I gave him some pennies.  Then his friend put a vial of weed in my face and said, “look at this, isn’t it beautiful?”  The panhandler scolded his friend and pointed out my badge and said to his friend, “can’t you see she’s a social worker?”  

And that, my friends, is how social workers are viewed in society.  We are viewed as almost the same, if not worse, than the police.  I remember being in high school and taking a class where a social worker from Child Protective Services was visiting.  She said that it was a thankless job because you are either accused of not taking away kids who should’ve been taken away or taking away kids that shouldn’t have been taken away.  She added that nobody sees or cares to see how much social workers help people.  I remember thinking to myself back then, “who in the world would want to be a social worker?”  

When I later worked for Child Protective Services one summer as a case aide, I saw how much the social workers did to help children, to help families.  I saw how many services they provided to families struggling with generational abuse or trauma.  They helped with daycare, parenting classes, in home therapy, and basic needs like vouchers for food and travel.  Nobody ever hears about this side of social workers.  

Upon graduating high school, I went to the University of Washington (UW) attempting to become a physical therapist because I wanted to be a healer in some capacity and back then, I was still under the social programming that you need a degree to do or be anything of value in this world or make substantial money.  I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in psychology but could never get into the physical therapy program at UW (which only accepted 24 students per year) or any other PT program at that time.  My grades were just not good enough in the sciences.  I recall walking by the School of Social Work a lot as an undergraduate student because the building was next to Schmitz Hall which is where you paid your tuition, handled issues around student loans, enrollment, transcripts, etc.  Anyway, the School of Social Work building was at a prominent location on campus and I walked by it often.  As I would walk by it, I recall sometimes thinking, again, “who in their right mind would become a social worker?”  

Because I couldn’t get into the PT program at UW, I knew I had to get a Master’s degree in something because a Bachelor’s in Psychology on its own was not likely to get me a job.  I considered a Master’s in Education but didn’t have enough of the prerequisites to apply.  Two Master’s programs reached out to me, The School of Law and The School of Social Work.  Because I was intimated by the LSAT, I applied to The School of Social Work as well as the Marriage and Family Therapy program at a different college.  I got into both and chose Social Work only because I knew it would give me more options.   

It wasn’t until I started my graduate program that I discovered that social workers did much more than work for Child Protective Services.  I learned that social workers are counselors and social justice warriors and worked in healthcare as medical social workers.  When I took my first mental health class in the MSW program, I thought to myself, “I can do this.”  I decided to go down the mental health track of social work.  The other tracks at the time were multicultural, administrative, and child/youth/family.  I’ve done work in CYF and mental health and medical social worker (it’s odd that there wasn’t a medical social work track at the time).  While I enjoyed doing work within the CYF part of social work, I enjoyed mental health work much more.  Medical social work was what I enjoyed the least.  

My first job in social worker was working in people’s homes that were involved with CPS.  I did Family Preservation Counseling and taught parenting skills to parents at the age of 22 with no kids and little experience in the field.  Somehow, I was able to pull off getting positive feedback from the CPS social workers and the families I worked with.  Probably, because I was and still am a people pleaser to some degree.  I went from that job to working in community mental health.  I ran into a lot of age discrimination because a lot of people were upset by my age, even into my 40’s, because I’ve always had a baby face.  But I’ve always been an old soul and most people were willing to look past my chronological age and youthful appearance.  

While working as a medical social worker, I found that people got angry if they were referred to my office for an intake or assessment.  People would arrive to their first appointment with me by saying things like “I don’t beat my wife” even if this had nothing to do with why their doctor referred them to me.  One woman said to me, “I might have cancer but I’m not depressed” as if depression was more stigmatizing than cancer.  I guess, it is in some ways it is.  Most people would say something like “I don’t know why my doctor referred me to a social worker.”  When I would call people from the clinic, I would introduce myself and my credentials and it immediately put most people off.  Most people would say, “why is a social worker calling me?”  I got wiser and started introducing myself as, “I’m Nicole and I’m calling from Dr. So-and-So’s office.”  People were much more receptive to the improved introduction.  

While I never quite enjoyed my profession completely, due to the general societal hate and distrust towards social workers, I have grown to appreciate that while the job is very stressful and demanding and, at times, traumatic, it is also very rewarding.  I’ve had people, for example, tell me that I saved their lives by talking them out of suicide.  I’ve had many children draw me pictures to thank me for helping them to heal and/or for helping their parents or families to heal.  

Becoming more aware of how vast the issue of child abuse and trafficking is, in 2019, was when my choice of graduate degree and career finally clicked for me.  I realized, on a conscious level, that helping children or adult children, heal from trauma and informing the world about the truth of child trafficking and related Satanic Ritual Abuse and all the related issues, such as the survivors of the MK Ultra and Monarch mind control programs, was not only part of my job but my spiritual purpose for being here on this earth, especially at this time in history.  I’m here, as many lightworkers are, to hold the light, to help people heal, to help people find their path and evolve, and to be a teacher in the sense of bringing the dark issues to the light.  (BTW, if you have not watched the documentary, Trance, about Cathy O’Brien’s life, you are missing out.  She is a survivor of the MK Ultra program.  Here is the link to watch it:  https://trance.movie/

Getting back to my “adventures” in social work, I have been threatened in my professional life and in my personal life due to this spiritual purpose of helping to bring light to the issue of child trafficking and child abuse including Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).  I have lost friends due to this purpose.  I have been mocked and ridiculed.  I have been kicked off social media platforms, repeatedly and have seen other advocates for children have the same done to them.  I have become unpopular, lost jobs, lost relationships, and have had people scold and chastise me because of my purpose.  I have been smear-campaigned.  I have had people threaten my livelihood, my personal safety and my life because of my need to be a child advocate and be a voice for the voiceless.  And if I lose my life because of this purpose, then I can think of no better reason to die, on the spiritual battlefield doing what God wants me to do.  So, to all of those who have threatened me or mocked me or smeared me, I say… BRING IT ON!!!

Keep Your Outlet Clean 

My friend shared a dream with me this past week and gave me permission to share the dream and the meaning of the dream with the readers of my blogs.  In my work as a mental health counselor, part of my job, at times, is to interpret dreams.  I think the dream has a very important message:  to keep your outlet clean and your connection to source (God, your higher power or highest self, etc.) ongoing and as free of as much interference as possible.  So here is the dream: 

My energy is low and my mind is cloudy (in the dream).  We are in an old military brick building on an ocean beach.  A loud foghorn goes off.  I can see fog rolling in through the large windows.  My mind goes to home (Pacific Northwest, Washington state, King and Snohomish counties).  I tell someone, “In Seattle, they don’t have any foghorns.  They simply don’t allow boats out to the islands.”  

I’m in a dozy state.  The sound of a critical supervisor breaks through my mental fog.  It seems to be coming from one woman.  I didn’t even pick up that people had tasks to do until now.  I’m not aware of the tasks, what it entails.  Asking someone near me what they are doing.  I’m told this:  “the electric outlets have names on them.  The outlet with your name, you’re responsible to keep clean.”  I start looking for my name on outlets.   You can have more than one outlet.  There are so many outlets with different names and different levels of cleanliness and repair.  Haven’t found my name yet.  I worry about being cut off with energy or life by someone.  From an unexpected group member (an unknown man dressed as a factory worker), I receive their (telepathic) message:  “their (God) power trumps all, not to worry.” The man also was saying, “keep looking, you’ll find it (the outlet) and be fine” and “don’t worry about dying.” 

And here is the message: 

Your outlet is your life path and your connection to an energy source whether that be God or something/someone else.  You choose where you put your energy and power, where you pay attention.  It is your duty and your responsibility to keep your outlet in the best working order.  In the dream, my friend saw that the outlets were all over the walls at different heights, some were older than others and some were broken or mismanaged or dirty.  

The foghorn was a warning that breaks through the mental fog and both the foghorn and the critical supervisor in the dream were reasons to open my friend’s eyes in the dream and wake up from the mental fog to see what’s really going on.  My friend says, “the sound of the foghorn brings me back to life (in the dream).”  She is dialoguing with someone in the dream and tells them that, “back home, there are no foghorns and they don’t send the boats out.”  This made her think of her own life where “I don’t interact, I don’t connect.”  “Sending the boats out” is a way of connecting with others.  Otherwise, we are islands until ourselves.  

I also think that the Seattle area is one of the most “asleep” communities all over the world.  I connect with people from all over the world on social media and everywhere but here, people seem to be more asleep to the reality of the situation in the world that those in Seattle dismiss as “conspiracy theory.”  The people here are largely in a mental fog and they are less connected with others.  I hear this most from those who move here from other places.  It’s known as “the deep Seattle freeze.”  We are like a secluded community in our little corner of the world, buying into the mainstream narrative of events, politically.  I’ve also been told from people who move here that we tend to be on our phones A LOT.  We can be sitting at dinner with others and everyone at the table may be on their phones instead of actually talking to each other.  

So, how do we plug in and connect to source and keep that connection free from interference? 

What are the things that you find uplifting?  What are the things that keep your mind free and clear so that you can connect to spirit?  What activities do you choose to do?  Who do you choose to hang around and interact with?  Who do you listen to?  What are you eating?  Are you taking care of your body?  Are you tending to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health?  

For me, it is music that connects me to God the most, other than prayer.  The music and the songs were always my favorite part of church.  I also enjoy reading metaphysical books and listening to uplifting music.  However, overworking myself, overcommitting my time and energy to others to the point of exhaustion, not setting boundaries, not having enough discernment with what information I listen to and who I choose to be influenced by, and indulging too much in comfort food are all things that lead to depression and are all ways that keep me giving into anxiety, self-defeating beliefs and in a state of mental fog, confusion or delusion.  

Also, be careful of where you get your news.  There is a lot of fear-mongering that goes on via Mainstream Media outlets.  The information you get on the main social medial platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google and Instagram are highly censored.  What messages cause division?  Be open to seeing the other person’s side and point of view instead of just arguing with them or dismissing them.  It doesn’t mean that you have to agree with them to be open to seeing their point of view.  We are social creatures and we need social connection but COVID and quarantine affected our openness to connection with others.  We were, instead, taught to fear the other.  This fear of the other has been shoved down our collective throats through sociopolitical events as well.  

And how do we keep our outlets clean and in good working order?  

Be aware of how different things affect your outlet (your connection to source energy).  Who and what is uplifting for you and who or what is draining or exhausting?  If you are not sure, you can do a meditation where you ask God, your guides, your higher self, how something or someone is affecting your energy.  How do you visualize things to be affecting you?  Think of when you plug a hair dryer into an outlet and how much power that hair dryer uses.  When you do things that are exhausting, it can take a toll on you.  There is a lot of disinformation and downright lies to weed through right now at this time in history.  When you are not sure who to trust and who to listen to, use your intuition and/or ask God or your guides for more information.  There are so many sources of subliminal messages and Satanic symbolism and forms of mind control, brainwash and trickery going on, that it is a good idea to ask God, or whatever you want to call your higher power, for clarification or confirmation on any impulses or thoughts that you get and/or any action you want to take.  Stay away from potential demonic portals including drugs, alcohol, Ouija boards, dark places, and even dark people.  

Keep your temple, your body in good working condition.  Research the side effects of medications and/or vaccines before agreeing to put things in your body.  Make healthy food choices.  Exercise and spend time in nature.  Go off the grid every now and then when it comes to electronics, especially social media.  Regularly discharge whatever negative energies you are picking up.  Read the book Dodging Energy Vampires by Dr. Christiane Northup.  Even among Christian leaders and communities, have discernment about who you listen to and who you connect with and how different scripture is being interpreted – in a fear-based or judgmental way or a in a loving and graceful way?  

Surround yourself with positive people and messages.  If the person or message you are receiving is fear-based or anger-inducing or chaos creating, then distance yourself from it.  Protect your energy and your spaces from negative energies.  There are various ways to do this.  Sloan Bella has a great video on this on TikTok.  Here is the link:  https://www.tiktok.com/@sloanbella/video/7072623403793927467?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1