Rebirth of the Earth

I was listening to a beautiful quote on one of my favorite Rumble channels this morning, We The People.  I didn't see or hear a source for the quote but I have included the link to the video below if you are interested in researching it further.  Here's the quote:  

“The people who will know how to survive these times of great upheaval will be the wounded healers, the ones who have had their hearts broken over and over again until it has cracked open.  The ones who have learned from their experiences and now know how to heal themselves because people who have been broken and know how to put themselves back together again hold the spiritual power of regeneration.  They know what it’s like to die and be reborn in a single lifetime.  Earth is going through a collective death right now and the people who know how to rebirth themselves will know how to be the midwives for the rebirth of the earth too.”