You Saw Me

I was walking home from school carrying my saxophone

and a saxophone is heavy to a 5th grade little girl

And I didn't see you swinging on the swings across the street

Until you called out my name to say hello to me


And it's the first time I've ever felt seen

It's the first time someone ever saw me

Somehow you knew my name

and remembered it that day

Thank you, forever friend, for seeing me


Whenever my friends would choose a superpower

for the days of pretend when we played outside for hours

I always chose the gift of invisibility

Not knowing that's how I was already feeling


And still until this day

I sometimes get afraid

and want to retreat into my own safe space

Not everyone is welcoming

Not everyone is inviting 

and if they are, they may want to trick or harm me


But you're the friendliest boy I ever met

And I wish I knew now what I didn't know then

But I wasn't ready yet to admit

or trust that I meant

Anything to you, my long lost friend


For you planted a seed

For me to feel seen

Without any threat of invasion

Without any threat of humiliation


And I haven't blossomed yet

But I'm growing to my best

And it's all because you took the time

to say hello to this grateful heart of mine

and let me know that you... saw me