My Child on the Other Side

My child on the other side

though you never materialized

on this side of the veil

I've seen what you would've looked like 

in my dreams and visions

and I'm sorry things were never right 

for me to bring you to life at this time

But I love you nonetheless

and I know you'll be waiting for me

perhaps be the one to greet me

when we finally meet again

It's something that brings me peace

amid all the suffering

that comes with having to live at this time in history

My child on the other side

It's time to tell you goodnight

so I can go and live this life

and do so many things

I'm hoping that you'll be proud of me

as you're watching over me

But I'll never say goodbye

cause I know you'll always be with me

and answer anytime I call

And I'm not too arrogant to believe

that you may be wiser than me

even though you are a child

my precious, beautiful, amazing child

on the other side