2024:  A Volatile and Intense Year

2024 promises to be an intense and volatile year, especially for those who are still not awake to the corruption of our current power structures.  In 2024, we will start to see the fall of those power structures including that of government, banking and finance.  There may be upheaval and mass protests as a result of these changes. Depending on what timeline you are on, there may be a mass event in March/April which could cause disruptions in the power grid, communication and travel, to say the least.  Although, some say that this event will occur across all timelines.     

Despite all this, it doesn’t mean that it will be a bad year.  In fact, it will be an abundant year for many because these old structures need to fall so new structures can rise up.  The Epstein list, people who visited Epstein Island and were part of the global Satanic pedophiliac ring of sex trafficking (including children) and child sacrifice, will reportedly be released today (1/2/24).  Let's hope that it is the true list and not an edited one.  Not only will these people be exposed but so will anybody involved in SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) going forward.  This process of exposure will be massive and explosive in 2024. 

Sometimes intensity and volatility is needed for the old to fall away and for the new to be ushered in. It can be a painful process and steep learning curve for those who have not been open to doing their own shadow work or not open to believing the dark underbelly of this world we live in.  But for those truthtellers and lightworkers who incarnated at this time for the very purpose of exposing these things and helping people heal from related traumas, it will be a sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air, especially because many of us have been shunned, ostracized, and called “crazy” for trying to expose these things.

The silenced voices of the past will finally be heard on a grander scale.  Since this is a presidential election year in the USA, I think it’s important to talk about the upcoming presidential election.  Will there even be an election?  Will Trump win despite being kicked off the ballot in two states thus far? Does Biden have a chance despite what appears to be cognitive decline at best and a possible upcoming impeachment? Will Michelle Obama step in to be the frontrunner nominee for the democratic party at the last minute as some, such as Sloan Bella, are predicting?  As with any election year (remember 2020?), this election year promises to bring some upheaval to the world, not just the USA. 

Whatever upheavals, intensities or tragedies we are faced with in 2024, we can and will get through it with unity and grace as a human race.  And we will be the stronger, braver and more abundant for it.  It is a year for facing fears, releasing tears and celebrating all that we have gained by losing what has stood in our way of living our best lives, even if we didn’t see what was standing in our way before 2024. Blessing to all of us who are on the right side of this spiritual war where love and goodness always wins.