Prince Edition of Rolling Stone

You must read the latest Prince edition of Rolling Stone.  It contains great tributes to Prince and the best article I ever read about Prince by Brian Hiatt.  Here are some excerpts:

"If Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, then Prince should be the Emperor." - Stevie Wonder

"He was singular in his music - he was his own genre - and that same singularity extended to everything in his life." - Questlove

It's nearly 2 a.m., and Prince is done for the night.  He walks me through the depths of Paisley Park, his shoes glowing in the dark, to retrieve my jacket and bag.  As we walk, I hear doves cry - actual doves that live in a cage somewhere in the rafters.  As I put on my coat, Prince invites me to join the band in London.  The zipper catches badly on the way up.  "F@!#," I say, and my host looks stricken.  "So much for not cursing," he says.  I apologize.  Prince looks me in the eyes, and wraps me in a tight hug.  I am, as promised, dismantled by his instant forgiveness.  I can still feel that embrace as I walk outside, where moonlight shines on a thick layer of immaculate, freshly fallen snow. - A Final Visit With Prince by Brian Hiatt