Three Kinds of Truthers

I started relating to the truther movement after a brutal awakening and ending of a 25-year-long relationship that involved gaslighting, trickery, emotional abuse and lies.  Since exiting the toxicity of that relationship in 2017, I came to appreciate the truth no matter how brutal or ugly it was.  Cambridge Dictionary defines “truther” as: 

“someone who does not believe the generally accepted explanation for an event or situation and thinks it is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people: 

He is a truther - one of those who believes that 9/11 was some sort of government operation.” 

Once you are open to accepting the truth that you have been duped by a narcissist, sociopath or psychopath (those who typically seek out positions of power in the world) in your personal life, you are more able to see it in the world at large.  However, the 9/11 conspiracy was on my radar way before my personal rude awakening to narcissistic abuse in 2017.  Now, I can see narcissistic and sociopathic abuse everywhere.  And this is not a projection!  

So, I now highly value and respect other truthers and follow them on social media platforms.  I have noticed three kinds of truthers in my search for the truth about everything in this world, especially during this confusing but exciting time in history.  

1) Positive Only Truthers:  These kind of truthers, whether discussing new age beliefs, Christian beliefs, political beliefs or ideas about aliens, are determined to “stay positive” and this can almost be positive to a toxic degree.  Hence the term “toxic positivity.”  They feel that we should all just get along and give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  These truthers can range from the naïve influencers who simply haven’t been burned, had the experience of being tricked, gaslit or lied to at a disabling degree or aren’t aware of how dark the cabal really is, to those truthers who are Greater Than Thou Influencers who decry anyone who brings up the dark and brutal truths about others as “gossipers.”  

These Greater Than Thou truthers may feel superior or on a moral “high horse” and somewhat preachy about the need to transcend third dimensional living or “non-Christian” attitudes. If you bring any negative truth to their attention, they think they are above it and may choose to ignore it.  All I have to say to that is that it is NOT OKAY to ignore the fact that children are being hurt and killed here.  Children cannot stand up for themselves and need advocates to speak up for them.  Also, Jesus was not above judging people such as the pharisees.  He was not above getting angry with people.  He was quite comfortable with calling evil out.  

If we keep giving the evildoers of this world the benefit of the doubt, we actually collude and enable them and assist in victimizing their victims.  These are probably my least favorite kind of truthers though there are some that I really like and follow such as Megan Rose, who was putting out a lot of negative information about the cabal at first, but then decided to delete all of that information.  She also did say that feels it is “gossip” to say anything negative about anyone and that we should all focus on the light in order to evolve our souls to the fifth dimension and higher timeline.  

2) Negative Truthers and Doomsday Truthers:  While I don’t think it’s a good idea to stay too long in a place of negativity or dive deep for truth without coming up for light or a breath every now and then, I actually prefer these negative truthers to the positive only truthers.  At least they are willing to dive deep and go far down rabbit holes.  As long as their motives and intentions are right, such as wanting to spread the truth in order to call people to action or warn people or protect kids or other marginalized populations, I applaud their efforts and bravery in saying what other people may know but aren’t willing to say.  However, if the truther’s intention is just to get attention, obtain fame, fortune, a following, narcissistic supply, manipulate others or anything of the ego, I’m not likely to pay attention to the negative truther.  

I also don’t think it’s a good thing to continually scare people or cajole people into fear or anger or any of the lower vibrational states without balancing the negative with more positive information.  Some negative truthers do speak in an inspirational way at times, but if they are mostly speaking in a negative tone, I consider them to be a “negative truther.”  Sloan Bella is an example of a negative truther.  She goes on rants a lot but during those rants, you will get a ton of valuable truth.  She is one of my favorite truthers even though she is “spilling the beans” or “dishing the dirt” on people, who should, in fact, be exposed.  She is fulfilling a very important purpose in the world.  When I listen to her, I am reminded of the scripture from Ephesians 5:11 – “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”  

3) Balanced Truthers:  You would think that balanced truthers would be the most healthy and wise of the truthers and in some cases, that might be true.  But there are some “balanced truthers” who are just more lukewarm or non-committal than anything else.  Perhaps, they are “on the fence” with where they stand on an issue or perhaps they flip flop back and forth on their opinions and information.  When you come across a balanced truther, such as Gene Decode or Jason Shurka, who is an evolved one, you have hit paydirt.  Both of these men stand in the light, aim to serve God but don’t ignore the negative and the darkness about what’s going on in the world, especially to our children.  

So, in closing, I feel like all three kids of truthers have a valuable place in this movement towards evolvement and freedom.  We need people who help us see the light in this dark time, we need people to help bring the dark to the light where it can be exposed and dissolved in the light, and we need people who can show us the way to finding the balance between dark and light without falling into lukewarm complacency or non-committed wishy-washiness or flip-flopping, convoluted confusion.  I’m probably more of a negative truther at this time but I do aim to be more positive like Megan Rose, more brave like Sloan Bella, more wise like Gene Decode, and a more balanced speaker like Jason Shurka.  There is something to learn from everybody.  I firmly believe that there is a silver lining to any dark situation and that God always wins.  If you are a truther and/or you are dipping a toe or wading into the deeper waters of truth, as George Green writes in his book, Handbook for the New Paradigm, “welcome to the winning side.”