Raise Your Vibration to Make it to the 4th Dimension

Whenever I learn something of value, I aim to share it with as many people as possible.  Recently, I have read Handbook for the New Paradigm by George Green.  I love metaphysical books and proceeded to read his other two books, Becoming and Embracing the Rainbow.  All three books have been highly inspirational to me and have helped me think about life and the horrors of 2020 in a more enlightened and transcendent way.  So, I wrote this blog quoting a lot of Handbook for the New Paradigm with a lot of my own thoughts and insights mixed in.  Anything with quotes is from George Green’s book other than figures of speech I’ve used in this blog.  

“The ethnic and racial differences between individuals and groups are being stressed and agitated while at the same time you are being forced into a ‘one world government.  It is for the purpose of creating chaos and confusion within the psyche.”  It is ever more important to stay out of “controlled opposition” as much as possible.  Don’t decry those of a different political stance, spiritual belief set, ideology, ethnicity or form of identification.  Try to see our shared humanity and the truth that we are actually all one.  The dark powers that be don’t want us to be united have been too successful at their attempts to divide and conquer.  We now have several different ways to identify ourselves sexually and with regards to gender.  We now have several boxes to choose between when filling out forms that have questions asking about our ethnic or racial identity.  We now have several denominations of even one type of religion such as Christianity.  If we aren’t identifying as “liberal” or a “conservative” or a “Republican” or a “Democrat”, we are labelled as “lukewarm” or “noncommittal” and we don’t have a chance in hell of getting a politician elected that has not bought into the controlled opposition.  

“When a weak link or defection is found or manufactured within the members of their groups, there is almost a feeding frenzy upon that departing energy.  It is far more satisfying to them than the same event happening to one of the uninvolved human beings.”  This reminds me of “conspiracy theories” I have heard about certain celebrities being sacrificed within their own Luciferian or Satanic circles.  Examples include Kobe Bryant, Princess Diana, River Phoenix and a lot of first-born sons of many celebrities.  I don’t think sacrificial offerings are a thing of the past in certain “religions.”  I find it interesting that a lot of celebrities or their family members are dying since the “quarantine” related to Corona Virus started.  It’s almost as if they are upping their offerings and grasping at straws in desperation.  

“Remember they are creating what is not in accordance with the laws of God.  Their concentration is toward containment while your focus is toward rippling outward.”  

“What is wanted here is action, not reaction.  The resort to the use of arms against the plan for overwhelming mankind is doomed from the start.”  “It is imperative that it be understood that armed resistance is futile.” 

“Thought released to act upon itself will return in manifestation glorified and in a form more magnificent than the limited focused mind can imagine.”  “Purity of intent to harmonize as the motive is the primary prerequisite.” 

“Cooperation is a natural phenomenon as long as the need to control is absent.  The need to control is a learned activity that becomes habitual through the experience of it.” 

“Do not allow yourself to dwell upon the horrors of what is planned for you, but turn your thought to what it is that you would prefer to experience.”  

Practice the 4 basic Universal Laws with purity of thought.  They are: 

1.  The Law of Attraction – Like energy attracts more like energy.  Whatever experiences you create for others, you will have to experience.  If you desire something, adding strong emotion to the desire can increase the potential and speed of your desire manifesting.  “There must be an emotional desire to provide the fuel for the movement or change of energy from thought into expression.”  “The vision must be simple to be powerful.”  If you add too much detail to what you are desiring or envisioning, you blocking thousands of avenues of manifestation.  “The Law of Attraction is at the foundation of all other Laws.”  

2.  The Law of Intentional Creation – This is also called the Law of Purposeful Intention and the Law of Intentional Focus.  Hold a desired outcome within an emotional field of energy.  When attempting to create or manifest anything, it is wise to add “of highest and best good for all concerned” to your prayer or manifestation process.  “Requests that include ‘for the highest and best good of all concerned’ invokes a greater wisdom with extraordinary results.” “Using the qualifier ‘help us to help ourselves’ allows the helpers to help from a greater understanding that brings forth results undreamed of by those requesting it.”  A thought held within purposeful intent allows for manifestation.  “The intended thought through vibratory stimulation of it through emotion held firmly in place by commitment brings manifestation.” How to manifest:  “In order to come up with a statement of purpose, the parenting groups must spend personal time visualizing (dreaming) what each can conceive through imagination (going within the mind of God) and then attempting to put it into concise wording.  The process can begin with words, then mental movies, then words again, etc.”  “…begin formulating and dreaming scenarios within your own personal awareness.  This triggers the resonance of the law of attraction. ‘In the beginning there was the thought and the thought became flesh.’” 

3.  The Law of Allowance – Rather than trying to control a person, a situation or an outcome, let it go and allow it to become whenever it was meant to become.  According to George Green, this is the most difficult universal law to practice because of our tendency to want to control things, especially other people.  But we have to realize that everyone is on their own spiritual path.  Some people go in circles and having to learn and relearn the same lessons, sort of like repeating a grade in school over and over again.  We have to accept where people are on their own paths even if that means that we grow apart from them or they hurt themselves in the process.  Practicing the law of allowance involves the discernment of letting go of emotion to see logic.  Once we use emotion to practice the first two universal laws, we have to then let go of that emotion which is very hard for most of us to do.  If we can’t or won’t or don’t do this, the spiritual law of paradoxical intent kicks in and we push away that which we want too desperately.  “Application of the laws of allowance opens the door to experience the flow of creative energy.”  “It is within the law of allowance that it is appropriate to discuss abundance and luxury.”  “Abundance is living within the law of allowance for it allows all to also live in abundance.”  “It is not within the laws to take another’s abundance to add to your own.”  “Cooperation is the keynote and competition is the death knell of progress.”  The Law of Allowance speaks to personal responsibility.  “…one is concerned with the choosing of his/her own experience and is not responsible for the experience of others.”  “Allowance is the most difficult of the laws to be learned at the 3rd dimensional level because of the deeply ingrained need to control.  Control is transcended through the practice of the Law of Allowance.”  

4.  The Law of Harmony and Balance – This is the law that the evil planners and doers of this planet and throughout the universe are forgetting about in their “plot to enslave every man, woman and child in this country” quoting JFK.  JFK reportedly included this comment in one of his speeches 7 days before he was assassinated.  Of course, if you google this quote, it will say that the quote has been “fabricated” by “conspiracy theorists.”  But all major forms of media are owned by the evil planners.  The term “conspiracy theorist” was born out of the JFK assassination to quiet any dissenters of the official story that one man, Lee Harvey Oswald, killed JFK.  According to Dictionary.com, the term “conspiracy” is defined as “an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more person.”  By this definition, most of us are conspiracy theorists.  Anyone I know who was alive at the time of the JFK assassination, does not believe that only one man killed him.  Because the evil planners’ plans to lower our vibration do not fall within this law of harmony and balance, their plans are doomed to fail.  “…the critical mass point needed for evil intent is different than it is for intent of upliftment.”  “Lowering the vibratory rate is much more difficult than raising it.”  There are many who wonder why “God” allows evil to exist and the answer is “freewill.”  We are allowed to choose to act out of good or evil.  We are allowed to learn our spiritual lessons in our own time.  We were not made to be robots.  Robots are what the evil planners want us to be.  According to Edgar Cayce, we have all had an evil incarnation.  “You are programmed to think that the negative pole is always ‘bad.’ Within the context of the whole this is not true.  There is no electricity (energy moving) without both poles.”  “Within the two foci of positive/negative energy lies the center point of harmony.  This is the goal of all manifested energy, to exist within this harmonious point.”  “Unfortunately some of the predictions that have been made reflecting the plans of the dark side will manifest.  Though they seem to indicate that the situation is irreversible, it certainly is not.” 

Other ways to raise your vibration: 

- Transcend victim consciousness.  “The victim cannot be rescued, but must pull himself up by his own boot straps and rescue himself by being responsible for his own rescue.”  You are complicit in enabling victim consciousness with your sympathy.  “Your sympathy will not solve their misery.”  Instead, choose to “place your intent beyond the play perceived by the 5 senses, and place it instead into the creation of a new experience…”  When you do this, you are “withdrawing your consent and support of the experience in which you no longer wish to participate.”  “The victim attitude is deeply ingrained within humanity as a whole.  It shuts down the light of each child as soon as it is absorbed from the parental attitude.”  “…the moment you are born, you are taught to begin swimming upstream against the flow of creative expansion.”  Instead, “…begin swimming within the expansive flow.” 

- Focus on gratitude.  “God loves a grateful heart.”  

- Ask for assistance from your higher power.  Given that we have freewill, we must ask for help.  It is best to ask for help using the “affirmative prayer” which means “entering into the creative mode that is your pattern.”  

- Focus on planetary gain rather than personal gain.  When you are making an important decision, think about how your decision affects all parties involved and how your decisions, choices, actions and words ripple out to affect everyone in your community, in your country, on your planet and really, in the universe.  “It is the pursuit of the creation of your personal fiefdoms and in the competition to create one of greater opulence and grander physical pleasures that have you trapped.  These are empty promises to fill the void of imbalance that you feel within.” 

- Look for answers within yourself and honor your intuition rather than trying to bypass its wisdom with over analysis.  Don’t look to any kind of authority, whether celebrity, military or government, to tell you what to do with your life.  Don’t give up your own personal volition and sense of responsibility in following “orders” of superiors whether in the family, personal circles, church, workplace, community, country, or world.  You can certainly listen to the suggestions and advice of those who you look up to, but then decide for yourself how to proceed.  In this age of Aquarius, we pay homage to the brain and the mind.  We don’t see how the heart is way more powerful than the brain.  We bypass our intuition with our over analysis.  We prefer to think through a problem than feel our way through a problem.  Those who are sensitive or emotional are seen as “unhinged” or lacking in intelligence.  We revere those who seem cool, rational, logical and unmoved by emotion.  They, therefore, become our leaders, our government officials, and our CEO’s.  We are easily mind controlled by subliminal messages in our media and other forms of manipulation and persuasion.  “The oppressors must work with the levels of the mind while it might be said that we have available the levels of the ‘heart.’  The heart feels.  A feeling can transform the beliefs held by the mind.  When the feeling vibrates within the being at a certain level, it overrides the belief and the being simply tosses it out and follows the feeling to a new conclusion.”  

- Spend time in nature or “off the grid” of the electronic, media and technological forms of influence, mind control and brain washing.  “…there is the moment of now that you experience that is not either past or future.  That is your balance point.  It is your place of rest.”  This can be reached through deep abdominal breathing, meditation, mindfulness, being in nature, or getting away or unplugging from technology and electronic devices.  “In order to live the new paradigm of experience those participating will be required to focus within present time.”  “There was a time as the planet revolved in the cycle of light and darkness, all were active or resting in unison which brought greater balance to the whole.  With the advent of artificial lighting, this balancing pattern is no longer present.”  “Balance is reached through the understanding and practice of the three basic laws of the universe:  attraction, deliberate creation and allowance.”  “When the time arrives for what could be termed the crash of all your systems of communications, utilities and supplies, there will be turmoil and confusion of massive proportions.”  “As our arrogant planners flaunt their methodology before your eyes assuming that sleeping minds have little discernment between programming and entertainment, there is not reason we cannot use this information to our advantage.”  “Movies and television have been their tools of deception.  However, the pictures that are brought forth by the imagination are far more powerful.”  “The current cartoons for children and movies have been provided to repress the inner imagination and stifle the creative instinct.”  “Pictures program the subconscious.” 

- Pray: “I am a human becoming, help me to become.”  “…you give away your power to an ego that does not exist.  Denial is the shield of the empowered Ego that fosters victimhood as a result.  This prayer will end the deification of the ego.”  “The higher the degree of self awareness implies a higher vibratory rate or dimension of experience.”  

- Find ways to unite and recognize the truth:  that we are all one.  “Meet in 3s, 7s and 12s.” “Know that all help possible will be given upon request.”  Do not fall into the “controlled opposition” that is aimed to divide us and get us to argue and debate with each other.  

- Learn the pathology of narcissism, psychopathy and sociopathy.  Learning about those who fall within the “dark triad” of personality will help you recognize who to not enable, listen to or allow yourself to be influenced by.  Often, those in the dark triad, enlist unsuspecting assistants into their plans to control, destroy and smear others.  Of course, even people who seem to be “of the light” may be deceiving you so always consult your intuition if you are not sure of one’s intent.  

- Follow what gives you joy into greater expression.  A lot of people are working their lives away in jobs that do not give them joy or jobs that are, whether knowingly or not, are serving the dark forces of this world or are stifling the creativity or spiritual growth of others.  A lot of people are in traumatic work situations or are working just to pay off debts, put their kids into college, pay the bills or just survive.  But their occupation gives them no joy and in fact, may rob them of their joy or life force.  Many teenagers and young adults are being pressured by their education systems and families to get good grades and get into good colleges and get degrees in order to get high paying jobs and to choose a profession even though they don’t know what they want to do with their lives yet.  They are being sold on the myth that this pathway is what makes one happy in life.  This pathway is:  do good in school, go to a good college, get a degree, get a high paying job, get a house and car, get married and have kids, retire and travel and/or spend time with your grandchildren.  While this route may be part of the spiritual path of some, it is not the spiritual path of others.  If what you truly love to do doesn’t fall within societal or family expectations, do it anyway as long as it brings no true spiritual harm to others.  

We are caught in a rat race, on a hamster wheel.  In our frenzied busyness, we are distracted from evil intent and actions.  We are oppressed with debt in our attempts to survive in ever more expensive world.  This leads some to hopelessness, a feeling of despair that we cannot even afford to live.  Some of us become dependent on the government, whether we have aimed to do so or not.  George Green says, “You have your addictive paycheck system to depend upon, along with Social Security.”  Those who try to be independent of the government, such as the self-employed or owners of small businesses, are made to suffer and penalized in various insidious ways for their attempts to dare to be free of the oppression.  “The accumulation of wealth is motivated by the desire for protection which is based in fear of what the future may hold and fed by the empowered ego through competition.” 

More Advice and Insights from Benevolence: 

“… stand forth in determination to detach from emotion of overwhelm and to observe from a space that is beyond the reach of the control techniques.”  

“It might be appropriate to define mantra.  It is a short series of sounds or words that brings about balance within what you call the subconscious awareness.  Often the sounds are from ancient languages that are not consciously understood, but resonate at the DNA/RNA level of the body bringing about change in an outward flowing manner.”  

Regarding those of evil intent, “…they have studied you well.  Every weakness is known and is being exploited for their purposes.  However, their focus was upon inducing your cooperation rather than resisting them until it is too late for you to do so.  They carefully laid plans to overwhelm you both sensually and physically.”  

We are programmed to idolize fame and fortune.  “Your heroes are all well paid sports or movie stars.”  “Your movie star heroes are drugged and adulterous in open display along with your presidential movie star.”  

“Remember if you can be held at the lowest level of your dimension, you cannot take advantage of the dimensional leap at the shift of the cycles, but can instead be taken to an even lower level of vibration.  At that point it is their intention to separate the soul energy from the body.”  

“Thought provides the mobility that allows Creation to flow into manifestation.  Thought has the potential of thinking within and upon itself.  This is another way of describing Freewill.”  

“Through long planted misinformation by the religions on your planet, you think of the focused assistance as coming to you from the outside.”  “…the flow of creation is from the inside out.  It is an expansive process.”  

“The normal vibratory rate of a human body has been determined to be between 62 and 68 MHz.  The brain functions optimally between 72 and 90 MHz.  When the body vibration lowers to 58 MHz, it can ‘catch a cold’; at 57 MHz the flu; 55 MHz candida; 52 MHz Epstein Barr; 42 MHz cancer and at 25 MHz death begins.”  “Allopathic medicine (a misnomer), chemical prescriptions, lower the MHz of the body.  Radiation from TV and computer screens lower the MHz, and consuming processed and canned foods, which have 0 MHz to support the body, continue the process.”  “When your brain wave is 90 MHz or less, you are unable to tune your radio like brain to universal flow and receive the keys to the mysteries of galactic intentional focus.”  

Therefore, one should aim to eat whole foods, have a plan to get off prescription drugs if able or don’t get on them in the first place, disengage as much as possible from electronic devices, and seek out naturopathic doctors or other healers that don’t rely mostly on prescription drugs to treat various ailments and conditions.  If you are going to partake of the allopathic medicine model, balance it with alternative medicine, healing methods that have been suppressed from the indigenous healers, and adjunct therapy modalities.  

With regards to food, Mr. Green recommends that one try to cut out caffeine, carbonation, over cooked foods and consider more raw foods or foods cooked over shorter periods of time.  He further states, “Over eating causes the body to use its energy digesting rather than using it for more productive modes.  Smaller amounts of nourishing foods allow the body to use its available energy in other activities and to possibly require shorter sleep periods.”  “Also, the use of the sugar substitute […] is slowly destroying the ability of the brain to function as it destroys the nerve endings.”  “Further, low fat/high sugar bearing carbohydrate diets are starving the brain cells.  All of this is part of the plan, remember they understand the functions of the physical body well enough to be able to develop techniques to weaken the connection of the being to its vibratory source in hopes it can be broken at their moment of choosing.”  

“Within the holographic process is the element of maintaining the focus to enable manifestation to complete its intended cycle.  The focus of thought is maintained for long periods of time (…) by setting the vibratory oscillations within a range that emanates sound.  This is duplicated in crude form by your music.  In purity it can be grasped as being of a crystalline bell like quality.  Tibetan bells give you an inkling of the reverberations that continue for long periods of time, beyond what the human ear can hear.”  “There is present within each galaxy a continuous melody of bell like sounds which is perceived in part by some and referred to as ‘the music of the spheres’ which is a perfect description.”  “Earth is at the moment quite out of tune.  Contemplate the resonance of the crystalline music of the spheres and then think of punk rock.  That might be thought of as the resonant sound of the planned new galaxy.”  “This is the reason that rock music is so destructive to the balance of the young people.  It is designed to be unbalanced and discordant in its basic construction.  It reflects outward the inner imbalance of its composers and it enhances chaotic tendencies with in the psyche of those spending long and frequent time listening to it.  The bridge for this phase from romantic sexually stimulating music was the Beatles.  Their early music contained melodies with a lessor amount of distortion as is demonstrated by the orchestral versions.  It did however open the door for the more destructive distortions that inevitably followed.  Again all part of the plan to slow and hold down the human vibration.”  

George Green talks about the “volunteers” as has Dolores Cannon and other metaphysical speakers and authors.  “These are souls that are volunteering to be here for the benefit of this planet and these beings have incarnated here for the purpose of experiencing the next rising or at the least to assure its success.” Dolores has referred to the “three waves of volunteers” in her writings.  The volunteers are sometimes referred to as “lightworkers.”  Mr. Green writes:  “These volunteers are numerous and await the triggers planted within their awareness to remember their roles.  The time has come for this to begin!”  If you are a healer, speaker, writer, psychic, creative or educator in any way, you might be one of these volunteers or lightworkers.  We came here to help out humanity, to help as many as possible transcend to the 4th dimension.  However, we came to Earth at a cost, at a risk and some of us have succumbed to the lower vibrational states here on Earth, also called “the prison planet.”  

“Each of you has programmed within the deep levels of your awareness the memory of the purpose you came into this lifetime to accomplish.”  “When the focus is on reacting to what is perceived as imminent danger, then momentum is lost.”  

“Even people who have heard and consciously rejected the information reflect a degree of light and it remains waiting to fully reflect.”  

You may have heard that there is spiritual war going on right now.  There has been lots of talk about this.  It is important to realize that the old must be released in order for the new to be ushered in.  And the process of releasing the old can look like chaos and confusion.  Have faith and have hope.  Things happen on the astral plane a year or so before we see it on the earth’s 3rd dimensional stage.  And remember, “…God’s plans cannot be thwarted.”  

“This is the mission you have literally trained yourself to take part in, so don’t drop the ball now.  There is nothing more important in your current realm of experience.”  

Again, everything that in quotes is from George Green’s book Handbook for the New Paradigm, other than euphemisms and figures of speech.  Though I have shared a lot here from George Green’s book, Handbook for the New Paradigm, I don’t think he will mind because my intent is to get the message out, not to claim any glory for myself.  Besides, Mr. Green writes, “Egos must be in their observer states for the credit of writing will go to no one individual.”  Additionally, I highly suggest reading George Green’s other two books, Becoming and Embracing the Rainbow.  These books have been life changing for me.  I thought my chance to go to the “New Earth” had been missed and I had other existential and spiritual questions and concerns.  These three books by George Green answered all my existential questions and inspired me to remain transcendent at this very difficult time in Earth’s history.  May you be inspired as well… 

“Sometimes it is necessary for darkness to descend before people can become aware of a light that has been shining all along.”