Keep Your Outlet Clean

My friend shared a dream with me this past week and gave me permission to share the dream and the meaning of the dream with the readers of my blogs.  In my work as a mental health counselor, part of my job, at times, is to interpret dreams.  I think the dream has a very important message:  to keep your outlet clean and your connection to source (God, your higher power or highest self, etc.) ongoing and as free of as much interference as possible.  So here is the dream: 

My energy is low and my mind is cloudy (in the dream).  We are in an old military brick building on an ocean beach.  A loud foghorn goes off.  I can see fog rolling in through the large windows.  My mind goes to home (Pacific Northwest, Washington state, King and Snohomish counties).  I tell someone, “In Seattle, they don’t have any foghorns.  They simply don’t allow boats out to the islands.”  

I’m in a dozy state.  The sound of a critical supervisor breaks through my mental fog.  It seems to be coming from one woman.  I didn’t even pick up that people had tasks to do until now.  I’m not aware of the tasks, what it entails.  Asking someone near me what they are doing.  I’m told this:  “the electric outlets have names on them.  The outlet with your name, you’re responsible to keep clean.”  I start looking for my name on outlets.   You can have more than one outlet.  There are so many outlets with different names and different levels of cleanliness and repair.  Haven’t found my name yet.  I worry about being cut off with energy or life by someone.  From an unexpected group member (an unknown man dressed as a factory worker), I receive their (telepathic) message:  “their (God) power trumps all, not to worry.” The man also was saying, “keep looking, you’ll find it (the outlet) and be fine” and “don’t worry about dying.” 

And here is the message: 

Your outlet is your life path and your connection to an energy source whether that be God or something/someone else.  You choose where you put your energy and power, where you pay attention.  It is your duty and your responsibility to keep your outlet in the best working order.  In the dream, my friend saw that the outlets were all over the walls at different heights, some were older than others and some were broken or mismanaged or dirty.  

The foghorn was a warning that breaks through the mental fog and both the foghorn and the critical supervisor in the dream were reasons to open my friend’s eyes in the dream and wake up from the mental fog to see what’s really going on.  My friend says, “the sound of the foghorn brings me back to life (in the dream).”  She is dialoguing with someone in the dream and tells them that, “back home, there are no foghorns and they don’t send the boats out.”  This made her think of her own life where “I don’t interact, I don’t connect.”  “Sending the boats out” is a way of connecting with others.  Otherwise, we are islands until ourselves.  

I also think that the Seattle area is one of the most “asleep” communities all over the world.  I connect with people from all over the world on social media and everywhere but here, people seem to be more asleep to the reality of the situation in the world that those in Seattle dismiss as “conspiracy theory.”  The people here are largely in a mental fog and they are less connected with others.  I hear this most from those who move here from other places.  It’s known as “the deep Seattle freeze.”  We are like a secluded community in our little corner of the world, buying into the mainstream narrative of events, politically.  I’ve also been told from people who move here that we tend to be on our phones A LOT.  We can be sitting at dinner with others and everyone at the table may be on their phones instead of actually talking to each other.  

So, how do we plug in and connect to source and keep that connection free from interference? 

What are the things that you find uplifting?  What are the things that keep your mind free and clear so that you can connect to spirit?  What activities do you choose to do?  Who do you choose to hang around and interact with?  Who do you listen to?  What are you eating?  Are you taking care of your body?  Are you tending to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health?  

For me, it is music that connects me to God the most, other than prayer.  The music and the songs were always my favorite part of church.  I also enjoy reading metaphysical books and listening to uplifting music.  However, overworking myself, overcommitting my time and energy to others to the point of exhaustion, not setting boundaries, not having enough discernment with what information I listen to and who I choose to be influenced by, and indulging too much in comfort food are all things that lead to depression and are all ways that keep me giving into anxiety, self-defeating beliefs and in a state of mental fog, confusion or delusion.  

Also, be careful of where you get your news.  There is a lot of fear-mongering that goes on via Mainstream Media outlets.  The information you get on the main social medial platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google and Instagram are highly censored.  What messages cause division?  Be open to seeing the other person’s side and point of view instead of just arguing with them or dismissing them.  It doesn’t mean that you have to agree with them to be open to seeing their point of view.  We are social creatures and we need social connection but COVID and quarantine affected our openness to connection with others.  We were, instead, taught to fear the other.  This fear of the other has been shoved down our collective throats through sociopolitical events as well.  

And how do we keep our outlets clean and in good working order?  

Be aware of how different things affect your outlet (your connection to source energy).  Who and what is uplifting for you and who or what is draining or exhausting?  If you are not sure, you can do a meditation where you ask God, your guides, your higher self, how something or someone is affecting your energy.  How do you visualize things to be affecting you?  Think of when you plug a hair dryer into an outlet and how much power that hair dryer uses.  When you do things that are exhausting, it can take a toll on you.  There is a lot of disinformation and downright lies to weed through right now at this time in history.  When you are not sure who to trust and who to listen to, use your intuition and/or ask God or your guides for more information.  There are so many sources of subliminal messages and Satanic symbolism and forms of mind control, brainwash and trickery going on, that it is a good idea to ask God, or whatever you want to call your higher power, for clarification or confirmation on any impulses or thoughts that you get and/or any action you want to take.  Stay away from potential demonic portals including drugs, alcohol, Ouija boards, dark places, and even dark people.  

Keep your temple, your body in good working condition.  Research the side effects of medications and/or vaccines before agreeing to put things in your body.  Make healthy food choices.  Exercise and spend time in nature.  Go off the grid every now and then when it comes to electronics, especially social media.  Regularly discharge whatever negative energies you are picking up.  Read the book Dodging Energy Vampires by Dr. Christiane Northup.  Even among Christian leaders and communities, have discernment about who you listen to and who you connect with and how different scripture is being interpreted – in a fear-based or judgmental way or a in a loving and graceful way?  

Surround yourself with positive people and messages.  If the person or message you are receiving is fear-based or anger-inducing or chaos creating, then distance yourself from it.  Protect your energy and your spaces from negative energies.  There are various ways to do this.  Sloan Bella has a great video on this on TikTok.  Here is the link: