Enter the Greater Journey

In Shamanism, there is what’s called “the lesser journey” that satisfies the ego such as: 

- enhancing our public image in the world 

- getting your dream job 

- ascending the ladder of success in your career 

- getting good grades in school 

- getting into the best college 

- obtaining whatever accolades, awards, or degrees you want 

- obtaining recognition from your peers or authority figures 

- getting to your ideal weight or look 

- having your ideal house, car or any other physical item 

- having whatever experience the ego craves such as different states of ecstasy, a sense of belonging to a group, ability to travel to exotic or desired destinations, or the experience of romantic love 

Once we have exhausted or transcended our lesser journey, we can enter what’s called “the greater journey” in Shamanism.  The greater journey can be described as finding our truth and expressing and owning our freedom as souls regardless of whatever ego injuries and psychic attacks we have sustained or endured.  

We can gently enter the greater journey by choice and focused intention OR we can be forced into the greater journey at some point.  We can come across opportunities to enter the greater journey whenever we experience: 

- A dark night of the soul 
- A life threatening or life altering illness or event 
- The loss of our civil liberties or freedoms due to imprisonment, oppression, or censorship    
- Moments of ego collapse, ego injury or ego death 
- Grief or loss of a love whether that “love” is a person, an animal, a former state of health, a relationship, a dream or other “love” 
- The loss of a job especially if you are forced out due to ageism, racism, narcissistic or sociopathic abuse, bullying, psychic attack or any other trauma 
- A reversal of fortune 
- Injury or loss of reputation, public image or standing due to libel, slander, defamation of character, being thrown under the bus, smear campaigns, being labelled things such as “racist” or “homophobe” or “crazy” or any other negative label that affects your ability to gain or keep employment or function as a social being in a society that is judgmental of anyone that doesn’t conform to the approved standards and conduct of the times   
- Moments of questioning spiritual beliefs or the meaning and purpose of life 
- Moments of questioning why things are the way they are in this world or why people do the things they do 
- Doing some sort of mental, psychological, emotional or spiritual exploration such as mental health therapy, spiritual sojourns or retreats that assist you in dealing with your traumas, deprogramming from family and societal programming, and seeing past any indoctrination into various cultures or institutions in this world, becoming aware of and emancipating yourself from any domestications, mind control and brainwashing attempts, gaslighting and other forms of mental, emotional and spiritual enslavement that exist 
- Being the first one or ones to start a movement or reform an institution or ideology that assists the evolvement of earth and its inhabitants despite the backlash, attacks and resistance you will inevitably encounter 
- An experience of excommunication, exclusion, public humiliation or attack where you are left isolated and shamed by almost everyone and/or your most important relationships are severed 
- The experience of rape, molestation, assault, or abuse 
- Having your empathy manipulated or held hostage 

While all of the above examples of things that can initiate you to the greater journey seem rather horrific, they can either cause you to become stuck in a cycle of victim consciousness OR lead you to greater awareness and eventual transcendence of all things ego.  Your intention on which road to choose is everything.  While the above are rather Plutonium ways of entering the greater journey, we can be proactive in choosing to enter the greater journey without having to come to a Plutonium moment or having to experience our “rock bottom” to shove us or motivate us to get started on the path to enlightenment.  What are ways of easing more gently onto the path of the greater journey?  Here are some suggestions: 

- Mental health therapy 
- Reading selfhelp or metaphysical books 
- Going on spiritual retreats 
- Meditation 
- Prayer 
- Seeking spiritual counsel 
- Trying to see the positive side or aspect of ANY situation 
- Looking at any relationship, job or situation as a learning opportunity and then asking yourself what you are learning 
- Adopting a growth mindset 
- Affirmations 
- Selfcare activities (doing things that nurture your body, mind and soul) such as regular exercise, healthy eating, gardening, etc. 

How will you know that you are on the greater journey?  Here are some signs: 

- Things that you use to fear no longer cause you fear 
- Decrease or dissipation of anxiety, depression or other “negative” mood states or thoughts 
- A sense of confidence or inner strength or peace that cannot be easily shook 
- The ability to see through or not be easily affected by advertisements or other forms of media or other peoples’ issues or projections (see the movie They Live) 
- The ability to rise above any opposing factions or opinions and see and relate to both sides of the perspective 
- A gain in unconditional positive regard or love for all beings even those dismissed as “evil” or “narcissistic” 
- Ability to embody the law of allowance where we agree to allow others the freedom to experience whatever situation or mindset they are in, without judgement, whether their choice to do so is a subconscious choice or a conscious one, even if the choice is seen as a negative one in our own eyes 
- The ability to forgive others and self 
- The experience of being healed of any physical or mental condition 
- The recognition of having transcended the need for others to accept, see, understand, love, forgive or thank you 
- A decrease in attracting negative or anxious people or situations into your life 
- A decrease in reacting to or being triggered or activated by others’ attempts to ensnarl you or recruit you into their ego agendas 

My hope and wish for you is that you choose to assess which journey you are on, the lesser one or the greater one, and then make the conscious choice to enter the greater journey.  Take my hand and we’ll walk it together to the light that shines through any darkness, to the light that leads to life…