A Return to Natural Healing Remedies

It is interesting to me that a lot of Christians decry the use of God-made herbs, essential oils and crystals for healing yet partake in allopathic medicine consisting of man-meds medications that have numerous side effects, may be addictive, and have Satanic origins.  Herbs used for healing is decried as witchcraft, and essential oils and crystals are decried as “of the devil.”  However, we must realize that the Satanists and Luciferians that run this world invert everything.  To keep us under their control, they have distorted our history, distorted our healing modalities and inverted the definition of everything.  

I have had rare medical conditions, including a rare form of cancer and a rare autoimmune disease, that Western medicine has had little treatment options for.  Because of this, I have turned to alternative medicine and healing methods.  I have seen great benefit from these alternative healing options.  I believe that we will be returning to natural remedies for healing and health in the years to come.  

Galatians 5:19-21 says, “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery [pharmakeia], enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”  In some versions of the bible, the word “pharmakeia” is translated as “witchcraft” which is the Greek definition of the word “pharmakeia” which may also be spelled as “pharmacia.”  There is an excellent and concise online article that also speaks to this idea:  

Pharmacia (Sorcery disguised as Medicine) 

Today’s world is a “medical” police state where sorcery (manipulating man’s mind and body with man-made drugs) is called medicine and where the state totally controls and stops men’s access to God’s own natural remedies. I am not saying we should never take medications prescribed by doctors. It seems that sometimes that is what God would have us do, especially since men have made many of God’s natural remedies, like marijuana and ephedra, illegal. But, use caution. Always pray for your and other people’s healing. And learn about God’s natural means of healing. 


We must also relearn our history in order to extricate ourselves from the pharmacia we have been using as the main means of healing ourselves.  There are now commercials for different drugs on TV so that we are brainwashed into wanting a drug to fix an issue that might be psychological, emotional, mental, or spiritual in origin.  As a mental health therapist, I have noticed that most people prefer a drug, to quick fix their anxiety or depression, over therapy. Even medical conditions can have origins in mental, emotional, psychological or spiritual issues that have gone unresolved for too long.  There is a great book that speaks to that mind/body connection called The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk.  

So, getting back to our history and how we have been led to believe that a vaccine is superior to natural immunity.  There is a good video that summarizes the history of big pharma and it’s satanic origins:  https://rumble.com/vt2n7u-the-great-reset-what-is-the-rea-history-of-big-pharma.html 

Now that there have been so many adverse events and deaths due to the COVID vaccine and boosters and now that we are starting to question why drugs like Remdesivir, which kills 50% of those who are treated with it, is the only approved treatment protocol for those who are hospitalized for COVID, and now that we are waking up to how we have been bamboozled by big pharma and the medical industry and those that run these entities, such as NIH and CDC, and how more natural or less invasive treatments for COVID and things like cancer are being suppressed, and now that we are seeing an increase in strange conditions and diseases such as autoimmune illness even in our children, I’m hoping that we can get back to God and homeopathy and naturopathy.  Is there a place for allopathic medicine in our future?  I believe so.  I do believe that God is reclaiming organizations with Satanic origins or manipulations and infiltrations, such as The Catholic Church, The United States, The Republican Party and even people such as Donald Trump, for His own purposes.  But I also believe that we are seeing the start of a return to treatments for health that are more natural and God given.