Who is the Khazarian Mafia?

According to the Ellis Washington Report, published on May 3, 2021, “The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, according to the writings of Preston James and Dr. Mike Harris’s revelatory 2015 essay—Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia—chronicled that the Khazarian Empire dated back to 100 AD (about 72 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 28 AD) in the ancient land of Khazar (Ukraine).(https://www.elliswashingtonreport.com/2021/05/03/a-brief-history-of-the-rothschild-khazarian-mafia-part-v/)

Gene Decode has done a number of “deep dives” in the subject of Ukraine and the Khazarian Mafia.  Here is one of them:  https://www.genedecode.org/programs/ukraine-decode-truth-and-history-by-sanrata-with-captions-405479?categoryId=116838 

Gene says that the Khazars are “Satanic, Luciferian people who stole the Jewish religion and culture generations ago.”  “They are NOT from the bloodline of Abraham” like genuine Jewish people are.  Whereas Jewish people are Hebrew, Khazarians are not. Tartaria and Khazaria were names that used to apply to the area that we now know as Ukraine.  The words “Zionists” or “Khazarian Jews” distinguish the Khazarian mafia from real Jews.  Gene goes on to say that the Khazars aren’t even human but “mostly mankind at best and NAA (Negative Alien Agenda Groups) half breeds or worse.”  

He goes on to say, “The Khazar aristocrats were not trusted and were considered to be very crazy.  Once you travelled into their land, they would rob people and then they would follow them into their homeland and assume their identity.  In the 6th century, they took over England and in the 10th century, they went for Germany.  The Russian Tsar, fed up with this, forced them to choose one of the three Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Muslim or Christian).  They chose the Jewish faith and used all its sacred knowledge from Solomon to recreate it into the Talmudic Judaism of today’s Zionists.  Judaism was a convenient religion to hide their worshipping of Moloch (symbolized by the owl), Baal, Lucifer and satan and utilize black magic to realize their aims.  Khazars do extensive rituals with child sacrifice that include torture, blood drinking and cannibalism of human children.  What they do is practice Babylonian Talmudism as a kind of secret satanism.” 

An online article from the following website (https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/03/22/how-the-khazarians-own-our-world-the-origin-of-the-khazars/) explains why the Khazars decided to convert to Judaism over other religions: 

Nowhere in recorded history has the art of making money from nothing been better developed than in the ancient Khazarian Empire, which developed from nomadic robber clans operating on the western caravan routes in the Caucasus Mountains, north of Iraq and between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea region. By the 10th century, the Khazars had created an empire that stretched from the north of the Black Sea to the Ural Mountains and from the west of the Caspian Sea to the Dnieper River.

The Khazar warlords decided that exchanging and lending money would be more profitable and less dangerous than raiding caravans. There was one problem. The Khazarian Empire was almost equally divided between Christians, Muslims and Jews. Both Christians and Muslims believed that charging interest on a loan, then called usury, was a sin. Only Jews were allowed to openly charge interest on loans. Whether they did it for practical reasons, or out of genuine religiosity, the Khazarian aristocracy professed their conversion to Judaism.

The Khazars infiltrated the monarchies in England and Europe as well as power structures in America.  When they tried in take over Russia in 1918, they killed Tsar Nicholas and the entire Romanov family, except for Anastasia, who survived.  They called themselves Bolsheviks, they took over the government, installed Stalin as a leader, and implemented Communism. “During their leadership approximately 100 million Russians died,” according to Gene Decode.  Alexander Solzhenitsyn says, “You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians.  They hated Russians.  They hated Christians.  Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.  It cannot be overstated.  Bolshevism created the greatest human slaughter of all time.  The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.” 


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Because modern-day Ukraine is the homeland of the Khazarian mafia, this is also the headquarters of all sorts of shady, Luciferian operations and activities such as the trafficking of children, adults, weapons and drugs.  Additionally, they have built up biolabs there to create bioweapons such as things that are falsely called “viruses” when they are actually bioweapons.  According to Gene Decode, Bakhmut, a city in Ukraine, is the hub of child trafficking, child sacrifice, adrenochrome harvesting, organ harvesting, sex trafficking and all other forms of debauchery on this planet.  This is why Ukraine is so important to the cabal – it is their headquarters in a sense. 

So, this is the real reason for the war in Ukraine:  to take down all these bioweapons, to put an end to all the suffering of the children and people who are being abused, killed and trafficked there, to eradicate Satanism and Luciferianism from the planet, and to free all humans who have been enslaved in various ways by the Khazars and their ilk.  Putin is actually part of the Alliance that is trying to take down this worldwide cabal that has begun to be exposed and will continue to be exposed.  The Alliance consists of Putin, Trump, Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi, Kim Jong Un, Bolsonaro, Bin Salman and others including military and other world leaders.  Some truthers, such as Megan Rose, are saying that there are even off-world entities and groups that are also part of the Alliance.  But on Earth, the Alliance has been around for a long time and, in the not-so-distant past, has included Nikola Tesla, the Trump brothers (Fred, Donald’s father, and John, Fred’s younger brother) and Howard Hughes.  The Alliance is and has been trying to save the world from this Satanic power structure that has enslaved the rest of us.  Though the Khazar’s original homeland on Earth is Ukraine, they are mostly in Israel and America now.  “What’s happening in Ukraine is a holy war against global satanism.” – Gene Decode