Looking for a Savior

The search for a savior goes back eons.  While I think it is important to rely on a higher power and lean not on your own understand and I think it's important to be connected to the divine source of good, I think this need for a savior has to be balanced with the need to take responsibility for your own life, your own choices and that of your brother, children especially.  I do consider myself a Christian and as such, I do consider myself saved by the blood of Christ.  Some, such as David Icke, whom I actually follow and respect, say that a man named Jesus never existed.  Icke is entitled to his opinion.  In fact, I enjoy listening to him speak and reading his books more than I enjoy listening to some judgmental, holier-than-thou Christians speak. 

I have never been more judged in this life than I have by any group of people more than I have by Christians.  In a very narcissistic way, the hardcore ones, the "fundamentals", dismiss those of other beliefs and religions with more disdain than any other group of people other than, perhaps, new agers, Satanists and Luciferians.  It's no surprise, then, that a lot of Christians look at Trump at the second coming of Christ and as their Savior.  They are hoping that Trump saves them from the COVID-19 virus, from the Satanists and Luciferians, from war, death and destruction.  They are worshiping Trump as if he is a God ,as if he is Jesus Christ and that sickens me.  Some also worship someone they call Q, who some believe is actually Trump, and hope that Q saves them from all of these things.  They worship Trump and Q the same way Satanists worship Satan and demons, the same way that some of the Luciferians, the Hollywood elite, worship Tom Hanks.  The Luciferians are always trying to get Hanks' attention so they can climb the glamour ladder and be saved from whatever dilema they are facing.  I'm seeing 2 sides of one coin here with the hardcore Christians and new agers and the Satanists and Luciferians.

Am I being a "lukewarm" Christian?  According to some Christians, absolutely.  They have told me what to believe, to believe as they do, to not think or decide for myself and to deride other people, especially gay people and those of other beliefs and religions.  Like everyone else, they interpret the bible in a way that suits their agenda and life.  They are apparently closer to God than I am, better Christians than I am and more wise, intelligent, faithful and smart than I am.  But isn't that being just as narcissistic as the Hollywood elite and the "powerful" people in international finance and government? I'm not say that these Christians engage in pedophiliic, cannibalistic or other downright depraved behaviors, but the judgement and the narcissism and the rigid thinking and the fixed mindset and the need to worship someone other than God or Jesus, someone in a power of position or influence in this world, is pretty much the same.  

And then, there's the new agers who believe that everybody should take a chill pill and be at one with everything in the world and transcend all the negativity by only focusing on the positive and turning a blind eye to all of the abuse, neglect and terrorism, especially to children, that is taking place in the world.  After all, many of these new agers believe that they are going to the "new earth", just like some luciferians believe they are the "enlightened ones" and are going to go colonize another planet, and don't give a rat's ass about those who are apparently going to be left behind on this prison planet.  There are some in the new age and/or occult world, like Sloan Bella, who I do follow because they are willing to talk about the dark side too instead of turning a blind eye to all the debauchery and darkness that exists on this planet.  Isn't wanting everything to be roses just like the Luciferians wanting everything and everyone, especially themselves, to look good just like the narcissists?  The Satanists, as well, want to everything to go their way and don't care who suffers, as long as it's not them, as a result.  

Trump is a narcissist in my humble opinion.  He fits all the DSM 5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), loves the sound of his own voice and only sees things from his own perspective and therefore, gaslights others.  As a survivor of 25 years of narcissistic abuse, I can spot a narcissist from a distance just like those who have been sexually abused in childhood can easily spot a pedophile.  From a spiritual perspective, narcissists are hollow and empty inside.  They are soulless, if you will.  There's a body but no soul.  The soul already left the body or there was no soul in the first place.  Therefore, they feed off the energy of others and operate mostly from or only from the reptilian part of the triune brain.  As a hollow shell, any disembodied soul, hungry ghost or demonic entity can enter.  This is true, as well, for those who dare to ingest mind-altering substances - they open themselves for other entities to come on in and take over either temporarily or for good.  

Donald Trump comes from a narcissistic and corrupt family.  Do your own research on his ancestry and you will see this.  You will know good fruit or bad fruit by the seeds they produce and we all have to pay for the sins of our fathers.  People with NPD rarely change.  They typically get worse, more paranoid and more abusive and manipulative of others, with age.  However, I do believe that God can change anyone's heart.  But such a person has to ask for God to change their heart because God gave us all freewill.  Perhaps, Donald Trump did just that.  Perhaps, an angelic being walked into his body to direct things in a way that lightens up the dark.  With more fluidity of thought being one of my spiritual lessons in this life, I'm certainly willing to consider that possibility.  After all, Trump apparently did more to stop child trafficking than any other U.S. president before him and more importantly, the children that have been kept underground, in the tunnels that go from Mexico to the northern borders of the U.S., are currently being rescued under Trump's watch. 

Some say that he is "dropping hints" to the public.  Apparently, he isn't willing to go fully out on a limb to tell us the entire truth of what's really going on if he's only dropping hints.  Is that saving the world or saving your own ass?  Is that acting in the best interests of the people or acting for self interests such as, oh I don't know, getting elected for another 4 years.  Additionally, he is part of the cogwheel that is keeping us imprisoned in our houses, covering up the deeper truth of what those in power around him, other than the democrats, of course, or anyone else who personally offends him, is really doing or has been really doing, and continues to talk himself and his own perspective up.  And those who follow him and disdain others of different beliefs, only enable and reflect his narcissism.  Everyone deserves to have a voice.  Everyone's opinion deserves to be heard.  No one deserves to be scapegoated or have someone else's shadow projected on to them.  I understand that there is a spiritual war going on right now and that people have to "pick a side" - good or evil.  As a victim of narcissistic abuse, I have seen that evil truly does exist and understand that not every man is good.  However, the children of God need unity, not division and separation.  We need to respect others' experiences, perspectives and beliefs, not try to control them or push our beliefs on to others.  Otherwise, we are gaslighting others and being narcissistic as well.  

As for myself, I do not belief Trump is going to "save" me.  I do not believe Q is going to save me.  I do not believe Tom Hanks is going to save me.  I get that Trump is a position of power that doesn't mean that he is savior and that doesn't mean that we should give away our power to him.  I made the mistake of giving my power away to my narcissistic ex and idealizing him as well.  I vow not to make that mistake again with anyone.  I understand the need to have a savior, to look for a savior and to want to be rescued and saved by someone outside of ourselves.  Some of us, especially children, do need an advocate to speak on their behalf and to rescue them from the horrors of this world.  However, the majority of us need to step into our own power while respecting the power that others want to have.  It doesn't have to be a dog-eat-dog world.  I'm all for repsecting others' beliefs as long as you aren't hurting anyone, children especially, in the process of believing what you believe and saying what you want to say and doing what you want to do.