2022: The Year of Truth

Most in the United States would agree that 2020 has been a difficult year.  Not only it is an election year that seems to be the most emotionally charged presidential election in my life time, but life in the US has really been affected the Corona Virus which has affected not only the physical health of many but also the mental, emotional and spiritual health of a lot of people.   There is a “new normal” of children going to school online, of people working mostly online, of gatherings and ceremonies being cancelled or reduced, of people having to be hospitalized or dying without the ability to see their loved ones and of being afraid of germs or getting sick or giving illness to those you love.  Then, the racial riots began and organizations like Black Like Matter and Antifa became center stage.  There was looting and other forms of civil unrest that resulted from all the tension.  People are being caught in the crossfires of controlled opposition.  We could barely take a breath, before the forest fires in Oregon, California and Washington state caused smoky air that has forced us inside our homes for about 10 days in September.  It’s difficult to not tie all of this upheaval to the fact that it is an election year.  Republicans feel that democrats and the “deep state” are causing all this conflict so that Trump doesn’t get re-elected.  Democrats feels that the Republicans are causing all this conflict to affect the election.  

I’m someone who likes to take a spiritual approach to any situation.  I also follow a lot of psychics online and they ALL say that Trump will get re-elected and I don’t doubt that.  There are a lot of people that I call “Trump worshippers” that feel he is going to save the people of the United States from the “evil” democratic party.  But I don’t think it’s that simple.  I certainly don’t view Trump as a savior of any kind.  Some say that he is getting help from aliens and is saving a lot of children from the tunnels under major cities in the US such as Washington DC and Hollywood.  These children have reportedly been human trafficked and traumatized and abused and reportedly, some of these children have never seen the light of day and have been born and raised underground.  If he is helping these children, then I can forgive a lot of his arrogance and narcissism.  Perhaps, it takes a great deal of narcissism to bring down the whole child trafficking operation of which Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are only 2 players in.  However, some are reportedly saying that he was involved in these evil activities as well.  Certainly, child molesters and abusers fall on both sides of the political aisle.  

There are others who feel that we have a false democracy here in the United States and that it doesn’t matter who we vote for because both major political parties and presidential candidates are working for the same people.  Regardless of what one believes politically, we can all agree that there is a lot of fear and anxiety and anger energies that are keeping the people of the United States of America in lower vibrational states.  Some may say that there is actually an agenda to keep us at a lower vibrational state and hence, this is the reason for all the events of 2020.  This attempt to keep us at a lower vibrational state is an attempt at power and control.  It is easier to control people if they are in a state of fear and anxiety.  It is also easier to keep someone from growing and evolving if they are stuck in lower vibrational states.  It is also easier to keep people from speaking their truth for fear of the repercussions.  

It is certainly difficult to make sense of everything that has gone on in the United States, especially in the “blue”, more democratic states (isn’t that interesting?) since the beginning of 2020.  But I think it is important to stay positive and uplifted while acknowledging the dark truths of what is happening in the United States and in the world at large, at this time in history.  I do believe that a lot of dark truths about children being trafficked and abused and even sacrificed are true despite the majority of US citizens not wanting to acknowledge this heinous reality.  US citizens tend to be pampered and have been groomed to be more easily distracted by TV, social media, movies, materialism, celebrity and idol worship and other forms of mind control.  We tend to only care about worldly events if it reaches our safe little corners of the world.  However, a lot of dark truths are coming to light and have been coming to light since Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and “died” and therefore, did not have to face the consequences of his actions.  However, most don’t realize that Jeffrey Epstein was not the kingpin of this child trafficking operation.  There were people above him that he had to answer to.  He also had A LOT of powerful political figures and celebrities on his island that are probably now shaking in their boots because there are reportedly, a lot of sealed indictments and arrests being made at this time regarding this child trafficking operation – only the tip of the ice berg of how dark and how far down the rabbit hole goes.  Some project that the sealed indictments are as much as 40,000 as this many people or more may have been involved on some level or had knowledge of these crimes against humanity.  

So, when are we going to know who these celebrities and political figures are that were or are involved the Satanic and Luciferian activities involving children and other nefarious things?  What is the extent to which children have been trafficked, abused, and killed?  What truth tellers have been assassinated or killed for trying to expose the “cabal”?  How long has this been going on?  Apparently, we are going to know most of the answers to these questions this by 2022, although some of these questions have already been answered but people don’t want to believe it.  I know that when I try to talk to people in my circle of friends and family, they either say, “I don’t want to hear” or label me a “conspiracy theorist” or change the topic of conversation.  

Once 2022 comes along, however, the naysayers will no longer be able to deny the ugly facts that will be played out in a court of law.  Once 2022 comes along, the “conspiracy theorists” will, by and large, be vindicated from all the dismissals, disdain, ridicule and mockery that they have been tormented by since JFK was killed.  Once 2022 comes along, the evil doers will be exposed and held accountable for their crimes against humanity.  I, therefore, call 2022 the “year of truth.”  There has been much talk about the “spiritual war” that is currently going on in the astral planes around planet Earth.  Have faith that good always wins, love always wins.  The spiritual war has already been won.  It just takes 1-2 years for things to show up on this plane of existence.  Try as they may, the evil doers cannot interfere with God’s plans for us to evolve into the new age.  And while, it appears that all is chaos and confusion right now on planet earth, keep in mind that in order for the new to be ushered in, the old has to die and fall by the wayside.    

I would like to give props to the truth tellers of the past that have died trying to get the truth out there including:  Isaac Kappy, Sabrina Bittencourt, Tracy Twyman, Brittany Murphy, Phil Schneider, Seth Rich, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, LeRoi Moore, Princess Diana, and JFK. 

And to those who have died trying to raise the collective vibration of humanity:  John Lennon, Bob Marley, and Martin Luther King Jr. just to name a few.  

I would also like to give props to the truth tellers who are still alive at the time of this writing and who continue to try to get the truth out there despite the ridicule and death threats:  Sloan Bella, Megan Rose, David Icke, Shaun Atwood, Jamie Dlux, Timothy Charles Holmseth, Frank Romanek Jr, Kanye West, Maria Farmer, Whitney Webb, and Randy Quaid. 

Most importantly, I want to acknowledge and honor the memory of children who have died at the hands of the cabal, those children who are still being tortured and traumatized by these evil doers, and those children and adults who are starting to recover from the cabal’s crimes against humanity.  

I’m sure that there are many more people that I’m forgetting to honor or mention at this time.  For all the truth tellers past, present and future, for those who are seeking the truth and in the spirit of truth, I’d like to end this blog with scripture that got me through the mental terrorism and trickery of narcissistic abuse in my personal life.  This scripture inspired me to write a song called “Truth is on its Way.”  I feel that the song was given to me and was written through me rather than written by me.  Both the song and the scripture gave me a sense of peace before the truth was revealed to me about my narcissistic abuser.  And that scripture is:  “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”  - Luke 8:17